This project sets up a webserver that sends KIN assets to addresses over the Stellar TestNet.
It will create a KIN asset, associated with the seed in config.json
The webserver then exposes a GET endpoint (on port 9000) that takes an address as its parameter and sends KIN assets to it.
curl 'localhost:9000/send?addr=<Stellar address to send kin too>'
Note that the receiving address will have to establish a trustline to the KIN asset issuer before it could receive any KINs.
You can create issuer seed on Stellar Laboratory.
- Install golang
- Clone the repo to
- Install glide v0.13.1 for dependency management.
- Execute the following bash code for downloading glide and dependencies.
glide install
Run the command below
go build && ./StellarKinDistributor
Once the account is funded by testnet's friendbot, the webserver waits for incoming requests on port 9000.