This assumes you have successfully installed sequelize-typescript
npm install sequelize-typescript-exports
Aside from minor changes, it works the same as sequelize-typescript models
In order to utilize @Exportable
you must extend from ExportableModel
class it's a drop in replacement for sequelize-typescript's Model
export class User extends ExportableModel {
name: string;
Rules are what define whether or not a field it's assigned to is exported only determining what happens if it returns a Export enum
const OnlySelf: ExportRule = (input: any, caller: ExportableModel) => {
if (input instanceof User) {
if( === (caller as User).name) {
return Export.Allowed
const IsntDave: ExportRule = (input: any, caller: ExportableModel) => {
if (input instanceof User) {
if ( === "Dave") {
return Export.Denied
Assigned to a field within a ExportableModel, it takes an array of Export Rules and executes them sequentially upon model export
export class User extends ExportableModel {
// Always export this value, Export enums can be used as Rules
name: string;
// Call the method defined in the ExportRule section
session_token: string;
// Allow any export that isn't blocked by IsntDave
@Exportable([IsntDave, Export.Allowed])
unseenByDave: string;
Based on the information provided earlier
const userDave = await User.findOne({ where: { name: "Dave" } })
if (userDave !== null) {
const dataDave = userDave.Export(userDave)
// According to the rules defined above the only exposed fields will be
// name, session_token