A debian-based docker container for vsftpd server. In this small implementation guest users are able to download files from internet.
In a browser, the link will look something like this. ftp://ftpGuest:[email protected]/foo.txt
Build dockerfile.
sudo docker build -t legionem/vsftpd:latest .
Run container in detached mode on port 21.
sudo docker run -d -p 21:21 --name vsftpd legionem/vsftpd:latest
Copying files from host to running docker container.
sudo docker cp foo.txt vsftpd:/home/ftpGuest/foo.txt
Remove files in running docker container.
sudo docker exec -it vsftpd rm /home/ftpGuest/foo.txt
Create a bash session in the container.
sudo docker exec -it vsftpd bash
Step out from container bash session and restart.
sudo docker container restart vsftpd
To read log file install nano and run.
apt-get update
apt-get install nano
nano /var/log/vsftpd.log
- help.ubuntu.com - VSFTPD: Very Secure File Transfer Protocol Deamon.
- security.appspot.com - Config file for vsftpd.
- ubuntuforums.org - Easy FTP with vsftpd.
- purplearrowblog.wordpress.com - How to setup vsFTP and user accounts?
- github.com - Very light vsftpd installation based on Debian.