This workshop is an Advanced GitOps experience using the OpenShift GitOps operator. Attendees will learn about more advanced topics such as Argo CD RBAC, GitOps configuration, ApplicationSets and more. It’s meant to be a 201 level workshop as a next step for attendees who completed the 101 GitOps workshop.
This workshop is available in the Red Hat Demo Platform (RHDP) for Red Hat employees and partners.
In order to test and develop on your local machine, you can use a specially built container with Podman or Docker as follows.
podman run --rm --name antora -v $PWD:/antora -p 8080:8080 -i -t
Live-reload is not supported.
Create a git repo from this template
Clone the repo and
into it -
Run ./utilities/lab-serve
Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser
Run ./utilities/lab-build to build your html
To rebuild your html, run ./utilites/build
├── assets
│ └── images # Images used in your content
│ └── example-image.png
├── examples # You can add downloadable assets here
│ └── # e.g. an example bash script
├── nav.adoc # Navigation for your lab
├── pages # Your content goes here
│ ├── index.adoc # First page of your lab, e.g. overview etc
│ ├── module-01.adoc
│ └── module-02.adoc # Sample lab has 2 modules including index.adoc
└── partials # You can add partials here, reusable content inserted inline into your modules
└── example_partial.adoc
You can add links to external content in the convenient "Links" drop-down on the upper-right of the Showroom Summit 2024 UI.
- url:
text: Red Hat
- url:
text: Summit
As a convenience to developers, the Dev Mode Extention (disabled by default) displays the asciidoc attributes you have to work with while writing your lab instructions.