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Interact with Bus Devices

thewhobox edited this page Feb 17, 2022 · 3 revisions

So you just connected to your interface and want to send your first telegrams?
First i have to tell you about the two types of connections:

  • Send data to all device who listen to this groupaddress
  • Send data to a specific device (MemoryWrite, DescriptionRead, etc)

Send to multiple devices with groupaddress

To send data to multiple devices with a groupaddress you have to use the BusCommon class. In the example below you are already connected to an interface.

IKnxConnection _conn; //An Interface which is already connected 
BusCommon bus = new BusCommon(_conn);
await bus.GroupValueWrite(MulticastAddress.FromString("1/4/3"), 0x1);
await bus.GroupValueWrite(MulticastAddress.FromString("1/4/4"), new byte[] { 0x1, 0x23 });

If you don't want to handle conversion by yourself, you can use the DptConverter class.

byte[] data = DptConverter.ToByteArray(DPTs.DPT5, 15);
data = DptConverter.ToByteArray(DPTs.DPT1, true);
int position = DptConverter.FromByteArray<string>(DPTs.DPT5, message.Raw);
bool state = DptConverter.FromByteArray<string>(DPTs.DPT1, message.Raw);

There is also a way to search for devices with prog mode on.

await bus.IndividualAddressRead();
//Each device with prog mode on will send an IndividualAddressResponse which will be handled by the OnTunnelResponse Event from the interface
//And write new PA if one device has prog mode on
await bus.IndividualAddressWrite(UnicastAddress.FromString("1.1.6"));

Send to a single Device

To send data to a single device you will have to know its physical address (1.1.3 for example).
In the example below you are already connected to an interface.

IKnxConnection _conn; //An Interface which you already connected with.
BusDevice device = new BusDevice("1.1.3", _conn);
//Connect will also read MaskVersion and MaxAPDULength
//You can disable read MaxAPDULength with bool Parameter = false
await device.Connect();
await device.Disconnect();

And you are connected with the device. You can now send telegrams to it. If your device is protected by a key you have to authorize.

MsgAuthorizeRes resauth = await device.Authorize((uint)0xAABBCCDD);

Or if you want to read/write data. If data length is more than the telegram can handle multiple telegrams will be send.

//To write data
await device.MemoryWrite(13021, new byte[] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 });
byte[] data = await device.MemoryRead(13021, 4);

You can also read and write Properties:

//Read Property and convert it to any supportet type
//Supported: string, int, uint, byte[]
int maxapdu = await device.PropertyRead<int>(0, 56);

Reading resources (DeviceSerialNumber, Manufacturer) so you dont have to handle if it's stored in an property or in memory.

//Returns SerialNumber of Device as HEX-String
string serial = await dev.ResourceRead<string>("DeviceSerialNumber");
//Returns SerialNumber of Device as Byte Array
byte[] serialbytes = await dev.ResourceRead("DeviceSerialNumber");

Combine it

You can also combine both methods with the same interface connection.

IKnxConnection _conn; //An Interface which is already connected 
BusDevice device = new BusDevice("1.1.3", _conn);
await device.Connect();
await device.MemoryWrite(14365, new byte[] { 0x02, 0xF3, 0xD1 });
await device.Disconnect();
BusCommon bus = new BusCommon(_conn);
await bus.GroupValueWrite(MulticastAddress.FromString("1/4/3"), 0x1);
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