A set of scripts using open source softwares that can convert an amino acid sequence into a folded 3D structure using simplistic simulated annealing molecular dynamics simulations and user-defined distance and torsion restraints. Mainly just a python wrapper script that calls AmberTools20 sander to run MD simulations.
Required non-standard packages: MDAnalysis (version 1.0.0)
For a simple-to-install, non-parallelized version of AmberTools, you can use conda (Miniconda):
# Download miniconda if you don't already have installed.
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
# Install miniconda; initialize the miniconda install within your shell during installation
bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
# Add conda-forge to the channel list (it may already be present, but worth checking).
conda config --add channels conda-forge
# Update to conda-forge versions of packages
conda update --yes --all
# Create a new conda environment named OpenFold-amber
conda create -n OpenFold-amber python==3.8
# Activate the OpenFold-amber environment
conda activate OpenFold-amber
# Install AmberTools20 within the environment
conda install -c conda-forge ambertools=20
# Install MDAnalysis
conda install MDAnalysis
- Clone or download this git repository to a single location.
- Prepare a FASTA/txt file with the amino acid sequence in single letter formatting.
- Prepare the 8 column distance restraints file (format below) and 5 column torsion restraints file (format below).
- Copy the fold_protein.json from the git repository and edit with your parameters (explaination below).
- Run fold_protein.py:
export OpenFoldHome=~/Apps/OpenFold-amber # edit this line with the global location for this cloned git repository
python3 $OpenFoldHome/fold_protein.py fold_protein.json
- name: string; an identifier string used in naming of output directory and files, so you can really use any string you want.
- fasta_file_path: string; directory path that points to the FASTA file with the to-be folded sequence in single letter format (i.e., "NLYIQWLKDGGPSSGRPPPS").
- distance_restraints_file_path: string; directory path that points to the distance restraints file in 8 column format.
- torsion_restraints_file_path: string; directory path that points to the torsion restraints file in 5 column format.
- simulated_annealing_input_file_path: string; directory path that points to the input file to perform basic the simulated annealing MD sims. with the user defined restraints. General users shouldn't need to change this parameter's value.
- tordef_file_path: string; directory path that points to the tordef.lib file needed for AmberTools' makeANG_RST script to work. Users shouldn't need to change this paramter's value.
- forcefield: string; file name associated with the leaprc file to be used in AmberTools' tleap to generate the linear 3D structure and respective parameters. Only tested with "leaprc.protein.ff14SB".
- distance_force_constant: python float; the harmonic force constant applied to pairwise atom-atom distance restraints. Units: kcal/(mol·Angstrom)
- torsion_force_constant: python float; the harmonic force constant applied to dihedral atom groups. Units: kcal/(mol·rad)
- temperature: python float; the maximum temperatures for simulated annealing cycles. Units: K