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Cloud Synchronization

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Many of the next feature enhancements require close collaboration with the cloud system. For example syncing the common variable types between the device and the cloud single source of truth. Downloading recipes onto the device / starting recipes, getting cultivar types, cultivar methods, etc.

Much of the software that has been build has made assumptions …

Many of the next feature enhancements require close collaboration with the cloud system. For example syncing the common variable types between the device and the cloud single source of truth. Downloading recipes onto the device / starting recipes, getting cultivar types, cultivar methods, etc.

Much of the software that has been build has made assumptions that these systems would eventually existed but needed place holder systems (e.g. local json files) to further device development.

One of the next major pushes in the device software should be to support the pursuit of a tightly couple cloud integration / synchronization. This milestone / objective must be balanced with the standalone device milestone / objective as to not make the system too reliant on either method but be able to further both interests.

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