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Releases: OpenAS2/OpenAs2App

Version 2.4.0 health check module and central reposoitory deployment

25 Sep 16:18
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  1. Add initial basic health check listener on HTTP port for load balancer/high availability deployment
  2. Enhance POM to deploy code base to central maven repository

[Download OpenAS2]( 2.4.0 health check module and central reposoitory

HTTP Reader Enhancement

17 Aug 09:27
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Enhance the HTTP reader to allow logging the raw data when unable to determine how to process the data.

[Download OpenAS2]( Reader

Version 2.3.1 release - file name cleansing, logging and other enhancements

07 Aug 08:33
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  1. Remove reserved characters from dynamically generated file names
  2. Document feature to change reserved character list for file names.
  3. Document java tuning requirements for large files
  4. Change default logging date format to international standard
  5. Document logging date format configuration
  6. Document upgrade process as an appendix in OpenAS2HowTo
  7. Prevent HTTP header folding by default with config option to allow. (Fixes issue with NGINX)
  8. Change email logger to allow any exception to be logged through exception parser (not just OpenAS2Exception)
  9. Add support for Sentry logger for exceptions
  10. Enhanced documentation on logging system
  11. Change default log file name to use international date format

[Download OpenAS2]( 2.3.1 release - file name cleansing, logging and other

Version 2.3.0 - Proxy server support plus other enhancements and bugfixes

04 May 11:57
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  1. Enhance message state tracking to correctly handle resends
  2. Support external databases that have JDBC drivers for message state tracking via configuration.
  3. Allow AS2 Message ID format to be configurable globally and overridden on a per partnership basis
  4. Persist message attributes for the full lifecycle of the message including resends.
  5. Provide support for proxy server authentication.
  6. Fix resending ASYNC MDN messages
  7. Document all of the enhancements and imporve existing documentation.

[Download OpenAS2]( 2.3.0 - Proxy server support plus other enhancements and

Fix for Windows 10 file system names

19 Apr 10:50
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This is a minor bugfix release:
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please review ALL release notes for intermediate versions if you are upgrading

  1. Remove the encapsulating "<" and ">" from the generated message ID as windows no longer allows that in file names
  2. Minor update to documentation on handling SSL certificate issues

[Download OpenAS2]( for Windows 10 file system

Release 2.2.0

01 Feb 16:28
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Version 2.2.0 - 2017-02-01
This is an enhancement and minor bugfix release:
IMPORTANT NOTE: As of this release, OpenAS2 no longer supports Java 1.5 and below

  1. Add sample file for running OpenAS2 under systemd on NIX based systems
  2. Set the sender and recipient in the Message object when MDN is created to facilitate debugging due to config issues
  3. Extract the deployed version from the MANIFEST.MF file instead of embedding in the file
  4. Move to Maven build process
  5. Add an INFO level message for any files that are not writable in a polling directory
  6. Provide ability to generate a UUID using the dynamic parameter $
  7. Fix the method that creates a file name for storing pending messages (was removing the first character)
  8. Enhance error handling when using HTTPS and certificate checker class to facilitate debugging SSL certificate issues
  9. Reworked initialization structure to provide OSGi functionality to deploy as a standard OSGi bundle (OSGi deployment should be available in next release)
  10. Updated documentation relating to the enhancements including troubleshooting information.

[Download OpenAS2](

Prevent copying headers from message to MDN

17 Oct 17:02
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Bugfix release to prevent copying headers from message to MDN that cuases some AS2 implementations to fail

[Download OpenAS2]( copying headers from message to

DB Tracking Module, File name parsing, daemon launch script and more...

14 Oct 08:00
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This release is an enhancement release:

  1. Add message tracking module to allow easy identification of sent and received messages based on state
    - persists state change tracking of messages to H2 database
    - allow user-plugin of custom tracking module(s)
  2. Enhanced documentation around certificate management
  3. Added properties element to config to allow easy custom config property access from java modules and helper classes
  4. Added support for parsing file name into partnership attributes using regular expressions
  5. Added script to support launching OpenAS2 as a daemon using the init.d paradigm
  6. Added system parameter to startup scripts to allow restricted HTTP headers that cause problems for some AS2 implementations

Upgrade Notes:

  1. Add the new module to your existing config.xml (see classname="org.openas2.processor.msgtracking.DbTrackingModule" in release config.xml)
  2. If using a custom startup script, re-integrate your customisations into the new script

[Download OpenAS2]( Tracking Module, File name parsing, daemon launch script and

Custom Headers, Authenticated Email, Configurable Algorithm Protection Control

07 Jun 09:17
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This release is an enhancement and bug fix release that includes compatibility testing with other AS2 systems:

  1. Add support for custom HTTP headers - configurable static headers as name/value pairs in the partnership - configurable dynamic headers with header values set from parsing the name of the file to be sent
  2. Fix generator encoding for compression, encryption and signing
  3. Support configurable control of canonicalization when signing
  4. Support overriding digest "sha-1" algorithm name in signing to use "old" name without dash ("sha1")
  5. Support AES128, AES192, AES256 ciphers
  6. Support disabling the CMS algorithm protection OID for older AS2 systems that do not support it
  7. Added "Troubleshooting.." section to documentation
  8. Support authenticated SMTP server for email logging

[Download OpenAS2]( Headers, Authenticated Email, Configurable lgorithm Protection

Code rationalization and async MDN mode bugfixes

02 Dec 17:11
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This release is an enhancement and bugfix release:

  1. Fix handling creating a unique file name for storing message info for ASYNC MDN
  2. Rationalise the handling of received MDN so that there is a common handler for Async and Sync MDN
  3. Fix moving pending messages that fail after retries to the error folder.
  4. Enhance logging to pass Message object to log manager to facilitate finer grained and more targeted logging

[Download OpenAS2]( rtionalization and async MDN mode