DB Tracking Module, File name parsing, daemon launch script and more...
This release is an enhancement release:
- Add message tracking module to allow easy identification of sent and received messages based on state
- persists state change tracking of messages to H2 database
- allow user-plugin of custom tracking module(s) - Enhanced documentation around certificate management
- Added properties element to config to allow easy custom config property access from java modules and helper classes
- Added support for parsing file name into partnership attributes using regular expressions
- Added script to support launching OpenAS2 as a daemon using the init.d paradigm
- Added system parameter to startup scripts to allow restricted HTTP headers that cause problems for some AS2 implementations
Upgrade Notes:
- Add the new module to your existing config.xml (see classname="org.openas2.processor.msgtracking.DbTrackingModule" in release config.xml)
- If using a custom startup script, re-integrate your customisations into the new script
[](https://sourceforge.net/projects/openas2/files/v2.1.0/DB Tracking Module, File name parsing, daemon launch script and more....zip/download)