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Perform a release

Jérémie Bresson edited this page Jul 9, 2019 · 1 revision

Create a commit that change the version -SNAPSHOT to a fix version (example 0.2.1-SNAPSHOT changed to 0.2.1).

Push and tag this commit: git tag jackson-databind-nullable-0.2.1

Locally run maven to build, sign and deploy the artifacts:

git pull

export SONATYPE_USERNAME=<insert>
export SONATYPE_PASSWORD=<insert>
export SIGNING_PASSPHRASE='<insert>'
export SIGNING_KEY=<insert something liek AB98CD12>

# VERIFY that signing works:
mvn clean verify -P release --settings .travis.settings.xml

# DEPLOY on maven central:
mvn deploy -P release --settings .travis.settings.xml

Set the version back to the -SNAPSHOT version (including a version bump), commit and push.

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