Application for articles and magazines management, developed with Java using Spring Framework for backend and Angular along with Material UI Library for frontend development.
Applyng security concepts such as Authorization and Authentication both in Backend and Frontend
- Creating articles [Must have Journalist Authoritie]
- Avaliate articles for Journalists [Must have Journalist Authoritie]
- view a Article
- Add Article to magazine [Must have administrator Authoritie]
- view a magazine
- Publish magazines [Must have Publsher or CEO Authoritie]
- view a employees [Must have administrator Authoritie]
- Login access validation using Spring Security
- Athentication and authorization for users
- Logout
- Redirection to login when token expires
- Responsive design suitable for most devices
- JWT Token Usage
- Update token automatically
- Frontend URL protection
- Backend unit tests in Controllers, Services and Repositories classes
- And additional features or functionality in both Backend and Frontend for better user usability
- Node js
- Typescript
- Angular 13
- Material UI 13
- JWT decoder
- Spring Web
- Spring Security
- Spring Data
- Spring Heteoas
- Swagger documentation
- Postgres SQL (DB)
- TDD(Pattern)
- DDD(Pattern)
- Java Jdk ( 8/11 )
- Spring Tools Suit | Eclipse IDE | IntelliJ IDEA | NetBeans : Backend
- VScode: Frontend
- Node Js & npm
- TypeScript
- Angular CLI
- PgAdmin 4 & PostgreSQL
- Maven