snbt (like) decoder
aims to prase snbt
data that follows snbt standard can be parsed by this package,
however, data can be parsed by this package may not be a a valid snbt string,
e.g. [123, abc] is illegal snbt string (snbt requires all element in list have same type, you can enable it a decode.go, line 125)
data mapping (especially list):
func GetSNBTValueTypeID(data any) SNBType {
switch data.(type) {
case string:
return SNBTString
case int32:
return SNBTInt32
case int8:
return SNBTInt8
case int16:
return SNBTInt16
case int64:
return SNBTInt64
case float32:
return SNBTFloat32
case float64:
return SNBTFloat64
case []int32:
return SNBTInt32Arr
case []int8:
return SNBTInt8Arr
case []int64:
return SNBTInt64Arr
case []any:
// event if all elem in list is same type, we still keep it []any to avoid confliction with [I;], [B;], [L;]
return SNBTList
case map[string]any:
return SNBTCompound
return SNBTUnknown
there are some magic code (e.g. tokens/number/core) generated by gen_code using package fa (