Developed through Coursera learning course:
-- Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization
-- Jogesh K. Muppala h
-- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Demo Ristorante conFusion phone app that explores key ReactNative library concepts
Ensure you have the expo-cli downloaded onto a mobile device. This project was developed using Android. While there shouldn't be any compatibility issues using the React Native app on an Android or IOS device, this hasn't been fully tested.
Start the project in your terminal using
To start using the application, go to your terminal, in the root directory of this project and type:
git clone
Next you will need to install all the packages:
npm install package.json
npm install -g json-server
This will install all the packages needed to successfully start up the application.
Now start the React App
First you will need to run the json-server in a terminal:
cd json-server
json-server --watch db.json --host -p 3010 -d 2000
N.B. the ip address needs to match your local Ipv4 address. This can be checked in Wifi-Hardware Properties on Windows.
Now you can start running the app.
In a new terminal run:
npm start
This will install the expo-cli
next run the expo client
expo start
This will generate a QR code that can be scanned by the mobile Expo-Cli to load the web-app