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Group project of SE3356 Cloud Operating System Design and Practice, Spring 2022.


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Group project of SE3356 Cloud Operating System Design and Practice, Spring 2022.


Project overview




The main language of our project is golang. The reason we chose golang is that the whole ecosystem of docker and k8s is based on it. Also, golang is now a very mature language, and has a good ecosystem, which means that we can use the libraries developed by others easily. What's more, it is also efficient in development, thanks to its language features.

For the implementation of some function, using golang is too heavy, so we choose to use shell. For example, we use many shell scripts in the development of service. And for some tiny jobs like starting a specified container, shell is more suitable.

In the whole system, listwatch is a very important function, it's based on message publishing and message watching. So, we need a message middleware, and we finally chose Redis because it's simple enough(message middleware is not the key point of the system) and we are all familiar with it.

The overall architecture is similar to k8s. We implement api-server, scheduler, controller-manager in control plane, kubelet and kube-proxy that are running in a node, and a command line tool kubectl, which provides commands for controlling the system and knowing about the status of it.

All the components will be compiled as independent parts. The components of control plane will be running in the master node, while the other components like kubelet will be running on a certain node.

We have applied for 3 cloud hosts for our project, one as both master and worker node, and the other two as worker nodes.


Node here refers to worker node. Pods will be scheduled to any suitable node.

Node registration

We provide two ways to register a node to the control plane. One is using kubectl apply -f command that will parse a given yaml file specifying the attributes of a node, another is registering automatically by kubelet.

For the first method, here is an example:

kind: Node
  name: node
  namespace: default

Node monitor

Node controller is responsible for monitoring node statuses. The status of a node contains a field standing for the last time the node was synchronized with the system. And the controller will calculate the difference of current time and the last synchronization time. According to the difference, the node will be marked as Ready, Unhealthy, and Unknown.

If a node keeps unhealthy for a certain time, it will be considered unknown. All the pods on such node will be removed, and all the metadata of it will be removed from etcd. Therefore, the scheduler will no longer schedule pods to such node, because it won't be able to get the information of this node.


To stay connected with the control plane, the kubelet in a node will periodically publish the status of the node, as a kind of heartbeat. The controller-manager will watch the messages and store statuses of node in its own cache. The node controller can then fetch the statuses and do its job.

Once there is a network partition and the heartbeats can not be sent to the control plane timely, the node will be considered unconnected and the pods scheduled to this node will be removed in order to recycle resources and immediately schedule the pods to the other available nodes to keep the service working.


kubectl is a command line tool that helps user controller minik8s. It's similar to kubectl in Kubenetes, but it's simplified and different in some commands. It is also based on cobra.

cobra 5

We support basic command like kubectl get pods, kubectl apply -f xxx.yaml. For more info, see kubectl README.


The structure of kubelet in minik8s is similar to k8s, but it's greatly simplified.

Our kubelet

Control flow

A pod will be created in many cases, manually using kubectl command, replicaSet maintaining replicas, creating function instance, etc. All of them will call apis provided by api-server. Api-server will handle created pods by publishing a update message(of type entity.PodUpdate) to a topic.

On the other side, kubelet will be watching on the topic and receive the message from api-server. The message will then be passed to pod worker manager. It will create corresponding pod work and dispatch it to a worker.

The worker can interact with docker through methods provided by runtime manager. Runtime manager is responsible for interacting with docker through docker client. It exposes apis for creating/deleting a pod, creating/deleting a container, pulling images, etc.

Status manager is responsible for fetching the statuses of pods through apis provided by runtime manager, and storing them in a cache. It will periodically do full synchronization with api-server to keep the cache consistent with the whole system.

Pleg manager is responsible for monitoring the statuses of pods and creating corresponding ple(namely Pod Life Event). The statuses come from the cache maintained by status manager. And a ple will be pushed into a channel called plegCh. Then the ple will be received by pod worker manager and it will create corresponding pod work and dispatch it to a worker.

Core: How to create a pod

Start an infra container first(default image is The infra container provides network namespace and volumes for all the other containers. So they can communicate with each other through localhost and share same volumes. The infra container is responsible for creating the port bindings and volume mounting.

Here is an example of pod:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pod
  namespace: default
    app: myApp
  restartPolicy: Always
    - name: viewer
      image: dplsming/nginx-fileserver:1.0
        - containerPort: 80
        - name: volume
          mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html/files
    - name: downloader
      image: dplsming/aria2ng-downloader:1.0
        - containerPort: 6800
        - containerPort: 6880
        - name: volume
          mountPath: /data
    - name: volume
        path: /pod

The pod contains two containers. One for downloading, and another for browsing downloaded files. Notice that they need to expose ports 80, 6800 and 6880(In our design, if you only specify the containerPort field, the container will choose random available port for binding). The infra container will be responsible for the port bindings(the two containers should do nothing about port bindings, because it's all done by the infra container).

Both containers need a volume called volume, so the infra container will mount volume for them.

All these two containers need to do is to join the namespaces created by the infra container.

Here is a part of code about creating a common container. Please pay attention to the NetworkMode, IpcMode , PidMode and VolumesFrom field.

return &container.ContainerCreateConfig{
  Image:       c.Image,
  Entrypoint:  c.Command,
  Cmd:         c.Args,
  Env:         rm.toFormattedEnv(c.Env),
  Volumes:     nil,
  Labels:      labels,
  Tty:         c.TTY,
  NetworkMode: container.NetworkMode(pauseContainerRef),
  IpcMode:     container.IpcMode(pauseContainerRef),
  PidMode:     container.PidMode(pauseContainerRef),
  Binds:       rm.toVolumeBinds(pod, c),
  VolumesFrom: []string{pauseContainerFullName},

Meanwhile, any container in the pod has a special label that contains the UID of the pod it belongs to, which will make it convenient to find the containers of a given pod.

How to allocate unique IP for pods

Weave Net can be used as a Docker plugin. A Docker network named weave is created by weave launch, which can be visible in the whole cluster. Under the Weave Net, containers can be allocated its ClusterIP in the cluster.

After the pause container has been created, kubelet runs the command weave attach <ip> <pause_container_id> to attach ClusterIP to the pod.

To make the Weave Net visible from host, run the command weave expose <ip> to join the Weave Net.

How to create a pod through control plane

We provide kubectl apply -f command that can create a pod in a declarative way. You can specify the attributes of a pod, like its port bindings and volumes in the yaml file. The specification of a pod is actually the same as the one of k8s.

We support any number of containers in a pod, and you can see the results after the pod was created in our display video.

An example of shared network namespace and volumes

Still take the pod in Core: How to create a pod as example, if we create a file by using command echo 123 > test.txt in the directory /data in downloader, then this file can be seen in the directory /usr/share/nginx/html/files in viewer. In addition, in downloader, we can download the file throw command wget localhost:80/files/test.txt. It's all because the two containers share the same volumes and network namespace. They can communicate with each other throw localhost. You can see these effects more clearly in the display video.

How is a pod scheduled

For scheduling strategy, see scheduler. And you can see the node a pod is scheduled to through kubectl get pod command.

Support & References


The function of scheduler is very clear and simple, scheduling the newly created pods.

The process of scheduling can be broken down into several steps:

  • Get the list of available nodes from api-server through REST apis.
  • If there is a nodeSelector in the specification of the pod, then filter the list according to given labels.
  • Select one node according to a certain strategy from the filtered nodes.


Here are some strategies we support now:

strategy Description
random Select a node randomly
minimum pods Select the node with minimum number of pods
maximum pods Select the node with maximum number of pods
minimum cpu utilization Select the node with minimum cpu utilization
minimum memory utilization Select the node with minimum memory utilization

The strategy is by default random. You can also dynamically change the strategy by using kubectl cfg command. For more info about this command, see the of kubectl.



Api-server is the center of minik8s. It should expose REST apis for other components of the control plane. For fast development, we adopted a mature framework: gin

Api-server behaves like an agency, or proxy. It provides enough apis for operating the system and is responsible for interacting with etcd.

Its core logic is quite simple, just interacts with all the other components, and is responsible for the transmission of data and messages. For example, if a component need to fetch something from etcd, it can call the REST apis provided by api-server, and api-server will be responsible for fetching data from etcd, and transmitting it to the receiver.


Proxy is responsible for allocating virtual service IP, which is unique and visible in the whole cluster. Proxy will prepare an nginx container for each service. The nginx container will attain its service IP in Weave Net and proxy will configure the nginx.conf. Users and other pods in the Weave Net can visit services just through these service IP.

How proxy watches Service and Endpoint objects and then modifies the cluster network

  • When a Service object is being created, api-server scans all Endpoint objects and finds all Endpoint objects with corresponding key-value selector. Api-server will publish these Endpoint objects and this Service object to the topic serviceUpdateTopic in redis to notify proxy a Service object has been created. Proxy will then start an nginx container, allocate ClusterIP of Service to the container and configure the nginx.conf file to map each Service port to the corresponding Pod ports (Endpoints) and also do load-balance if there are multiple Endpoints, for example, a ReplicaSet or some Pods with the same key-value selector.

  • When a Service object is being deleted, similar to Service creation, api-server will publish the Service objects to the topic serviceUpdateTopic in redis. Proxy will then shutdown the Service's' nginx container.

  • When an Endpoint object is being created or deleted, api-server scans all Service objects and finds all Service objects with corresponding key-value selector. Api-server will publish Endpoint objects and Service objects to the topic endpointUpdateTopic in redis to notify proxy an Endpoint object has been created or deleted. Proxy will update nginx.conf files and apply to corresponding nginx containers.

How Pods or users visit Services in the cluster

  • All Pods and users in the cluster will join the Weave Net first. Then the Service's ClusterIP (the ClusterIP of nginx container) is available to all Pods and users.



CoreDNS is a DNS server, which can be configured through its Corefile. When api-server receives an apply request of DNS, api-server will first start an nginx container to deal with the path-service mapping issue and then add the IP-name mapping to CoreDNS.

How Minik8s maps paths to Services and allocates domain name

  • During initialization of Minik8s, Minik8s will redirect the nameserver of host machines and containers to CoreDNS through configuring /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/docker/daemon.json.
  • Minik8s use nginx containers to map paths to Services. For a DNS object, minik8s will start an nginx container, allocate an IP, and then configure the nginx.conf file to map each path to the corresponding Service ports. Then Minik8s will add a name-IP(the nginx container IP) mapping to CoreDNS.

How Pods or users visit Service through its domain name in the cluster

  • Pods and users in the cluster will ask nameserver for name-IP mapping, and then visit the corresponding nginx container. nginx container will redirect the path request to ServiceIp:ServicePort to visit Service.


ReplicaSet & Autoscaler


Kubelet in each node will collect runtime status through docker status, including cpu and memory utilization. All these statuses will be published to a certain topic, on which both api-server and controller-manager are watching.

Here is a shared cache in the controller-manager. It can receive the statuses published by kubelet and do incremental synchronization. Meanwhile, api-server will persist these statuses into etcd, a distributed K-V store system. etcd is the one who truly indicates the status of the whole system. So, the cache in the controller-manager has to periodically do full synchronization with api-server, in order to stay consistent with etcd.


replicaSet controller can fetch the status of running pods, and dynamically keep the number of pods consistent with given replicas. Once the number of pods is inconsistent with replicas, the controller will create/delete pods through apis provided by api-server. The pods created by replicaSet have a special label that stores the UID of the replicaSet they belong to, which will make it convenient to find the pods of a given replicaSet.

In our display video, you can see that once we delete a pod maintained by the replicaSet, it will create a new one to keep the number of pods consistent with the specification.

Notice that all these jobs is done by a worker. Once a replicaSet was created, the controller will create a corresponding worker to monitor the number of pods, through a synchronization loop.

For hpa, there is also a controller. Once a hpa is created, it will also create a corresponding worker. Likewise, the worker will monitor given metrics(we support cpu utilization and gpu utilization now).

Take cpu utilization for example, hpa worker will monitor the status of a given replicaSet, which contains the cpu and memory utilization. The worker will compare the cpu utilization to the benchmark specified by user. If cpu utilization of the replicaSet is higher than the benchmark, it will dynamically increase the replicas of the replicaSet. Therefore, the corresponding replicaSet worker can create more pods to balance the workload.

We reuse the implementation of replicaSet, making its replicas mutable. We can dynamically change it through apis provided by api-server. You can see that we also reuse this feature in function.

Notice that user can flexibly specify the interval of scaling by using kubectl autoscale command(-i flag). For example, if the specified interval is 15s. Then the hpa controller will check every 15 seconds whether scaling is needed. For example, if the target replicaSet should be scaled to 5, while the current replicas is 3, then the hpa controller will dynamically change the replicas of the replicaSet to 4. In this way, it can guarantee that there will be at most 1 new pod to create every 15s.

How do we collect metrics

Take cpu utilization for example. The kubelet in a node will collect status of containers through docker stats command. The status contains cpu utilization, memory utilization and many other useful metrics. Once we get the metrics of containers, then we can get the metrics of the pod they belong to. Likewise, we can also get the metrics of a replicaSet in this way.


The pod resources monitor is based on cAdvisor, Prometheus and Grafana.

Autoscaler 5

All the worker nodes will start a cAdvisor container, which will continuously collect the status of docker containers. cAdvisor is based on docker stats, and can expose metrics which can be used by Prometheus.

Prometheus can collect all metrics produced by cAdvisor and exposed them to Grafana.

Grafana can visualize the metrics in customized dashboard.

We recommend you to use grafana dashboard with UID 11277 and 893.

Here is a good reference: Build up Prometheus + Grafana + cAdvisor


Because all these components are running in containers, so you can't access other running component by simply using localhost(Even if they are running in host network mode). Please use the ip instead.

How to create a replicaSet

You can create a replicaSet in the same way as creating a pod. The specification is the same as k8s, consisting of metadata, the number of replicas and the template of pod. You can see the status of the newly created replicaSet and the pods created by it, through kubectl get command.

How to create a hpa

We provide two ways to create a hpa, one is the same as creating a replicaSet, another is using command kubectl autoscale. You can specify the minimum and maximum replicas, the target replicaSet, the metrics(cpu utilization or memory utilization) and the scaling interval in the yaml file or command line.

Here is an example(suppose we have created a replicaSet called rs, and if the target replicaSet does not exist, it will raise an error):

  • command line: kubectl autoscale hpa --target=rs --min=1 --max=4 -c 25 -i 10

  • yaml file:

    apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
    kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
      name: hpa
      namespace: default
      minReplicas: 1
      maxReplicas: 4
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: ReplicaSet # we only support replicaSet now
          name: rs
          namespace: default
      scaleInterval: 10
        CPUUtilizationPercentage: 25

You can see the status of a hpa through kubectl get command.


For display, we prepare a docker image, here is its dockerfile:

FROM alpine

COPY autoscaler-testcase ./autoscaler-testcase

RUN chmod +x ./autoscaler-testcase

ENTRYPOINT ["./autoscaler-testcase"]

autoscaler-testcase is an executable file. It is written in golang. It runs a http server and provides apis for immediately increasing/decreasing cpu utilization. So, we can increase/decrease a container's cpu utilization flexibly in this way, to display the feasibility of the implementation of hpa controller.

In our display video, you can see that once the cpu utilization of a container/pod/replicaSet increases(dramatically), the replicas will be dynamically increased by hpa controller to balance such workload. So the job can then be passed from hpa controller to replicaSet controller. It is replicaSet controller that controls the number of pods.

You can see that whether increasing or decreasing the cpu utilization, the hpa controller all behaves as expected.


Users only need to specify the scripts needed to compile cuda files and run them, and also the work directory.

The cuda files(ended with .cu) will be recognized and uploaded to the π2.0 platform. The slurm script will be created automatically according to given parameters.

The jobs should be independent of each other, so we adopt a sidecar structure. The gpu-server will upload cuda files, compile them, create slurm script and finally submit the job by using command sbatch.

Since we don't have a good idea to be aware of the completion of submitted jobs(π2.0 supports email alert, but it's not suitable for this situation). So we temporarily adopt the strategy of polling(every 5 minutes). Once the job has been completed(can be known by using command sacct. If the job returned is COMPLETED in its State field, then it is completed), the gpu-server will download the output file and error file(xxx.out, xxx.err, specified by users). Users can then browse and download the results of jobs using nginx-fileserver.


Each block in cuda grid is corresponding to an area in a matrix. We can map a cell in the block to an element in a matrix.

int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

cuda grid

blockIdx stands for the coordinate of a block. For example, the block in the upper left corner has blockIdx(0,0)

blockDim stands for the dimension of a block. A block is two-dimensional, so blockDim.x stands for the width while blockDim.y stands for the height.

threadIdx stands for the coordinate of a thread inside a block. Similar to blockIdx.

Because gpu is a device and it does not share memory with cpu. Special functions should be used to do memory operations in gpu.

Keyword __global__ can be used to define a function that will be called in gpu. If you have defined a function f:

__global__ void f() {}

Then you can call it by:

f <<<blockDim, threadDim>>>();

The types of both blockDim and threadDim are Dim3. You can define a variable of type Dim3 by:

Dim3 var(x, y)

You only need specify the first two dimension, for the third dimension is always 1.

For matrix addition:

__global__ void matrix_add(int **A, int **B, int **C) {
    int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    C[i][j] = A[i][j] + B[i][j];

For matrix multiplication:

__global__ void matrix_multiply(int **A, int **B, int **C) {
    int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    int value = 0;
    for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
        value += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
    C[i][j] = value;

π2.0 GPU Support




The structure of our serverless system draws lessons from Knative but is quite simplified. Users can register functions to api-server. KPA controller will create corresponding function image and push it into docker registry. It will also create a replicaSet through api-server apis. ** NOTE: If you want to delete function image from docker image, you should set the environment variable REGISTRY_STORAGE_DELETE_ENABLED=true, otherwise deleting process will fail. **

The ReplicaSet Controller can then create pods on nodes. Notice that there is a http server running on master node (port 8081), and you can call a function by http trigger.


Function Registration

User can register a function (we only support python now) to the api-server. Here is an example of function:

def main(params):
    x = params["x"]
    x = x + 5
    result = {
        "x": x
    return result

This function needs a parameter x and x is passed in the form of json, and will add 5 to x and return a dictionary/json.

In our system, all parameters and results can be transferred in the form of json , and there is no need to pass the parameter type in json, since interpreter itself can infer variable type automatically.

Once a function is registered, a corresponding image will be pushed to the registry and a replicaSet will be created, which will create pods(function instances) on worker nodes.

Http Trigger

We support a convenient way to call a function by http trigger. You can type kubectl trigger [funcname] -d [data] to send http trigger to the specified function instances.

Because the function instances are maintained by a replicaSet, so the http server in Knative will randomly choose one pod in the replicaSet and call it.

Take addFive for example, you can type kubectl trigger addFive -d '{"x": 100}', and you will get a response: '{"x": 105}'

All pods have their own unique ip, so they can be called by POST http request to ${pod_ip}:8080.


A workflow is equivalent to a DAG of functions. It can be defined in the form of json, see workflow for examples.

Our implementation draws lessons from AWS. We also support Choice and Task.

Workflow example(Graph):


Workflow example(Json):

  "apiVersion": "/api/v1",
  "kind": "Workflow",
  "metadata": {
    "namespace": "default",
    "name": "print"
  "startAt": "addFive",
  "params": {
    "x": 5
  "nodes": {
    "addFive": {
      "type": "Task",
      "next": "judge"
    "judge": {
      "type": "Choice",
      "choices": [
          "variable": "x",
          "numericEquals": 10,
          "next": "printEquals"
          "variable": "x",
          "numericNotEquals": 10,
          "next": "printNotEquals"
    "printEquals": {
      "type": "Task"
    "printNotEquals": {
      "type": "Task"


All the states are persisted in etcd. If a component is crashed, when it restarts, it will recover its state to stay consistent with etcd.

For example, if a pod is scheduled to a node, and the node crashed. When it has restarted, it will do full synchronization with the states stored in etcd. So it will know that a pod has been scheduled to it before. It can then recreate the pod according to the state of the pod.

In addition, we use cache in many components. The cache will do incremental synchronization by watching on certain messages, and periodically do full synchronization with etcd.

It is etcd that stores the state of the whole system. As long as all components synchronize with it, the consistency of the whole system can be guaranteed.


Container Management

For windows, we have Docker Desktop to monitor the stats of all containers. But in linux, we don't have such convenience.


Fortunately, portainer performs even better than Docker Desktop. It can be deployed easily by using docker. You can type ./ to start the portainer. Then you can access it at http://localhost:9000.

Automatic deployment


Jenkins is super convenient for our project.

Q & A

Q: Why nohup does not work?

A: Killed by Jenkins. Try to add BUILD_ID=dontKillMe to the shell script.

Q: Why go: command not found?

A: Please add environment variables it needs manually to Jenkins.


Group project of SE3356 Cloud Operating System Design and Practice, Spring 2022.







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