Added compact + pretty export options for json
Added default layer grid size setting
Added Entity importing/exporting
Custom "values" are now exported to the correct type instead of strings
Entity Inspector now displays position, size, rotation, and flipped status, if applicable, to all selected entities
Decal Inspector now displays position, scale, rotation, and custom layer properties, if applicable, to all selected decals
Irrelevant Tool icons in the editor are now Greyed out
Editor now reopens last level, layer, and camera position when returning from project editing
Entity Textures are now stored as relative paths
All paths are now exported with the same normalized output (path/to/file)
Editor side panels resize constraints removed
"Enter" no longer closes Text Boxes
Fixes App processes remaining open after closing the editor
Fixes Entity and Decal layer rendering and hotkey issues
Fixes rendering issues when scaling the windows
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