This is the one stop shop for any project resource. This repository includes links to guides on various topics, templates for quickly setting up a project, coding guidelines for various languages, and other useful info.
For an introduction to the club, click here.
The resources folder is divided into different technologies. Though most will be a single file with a short explanation and links, things with more information will have their own folder.
You can copy the project-template folder to get up and running with a new project quickly. Check the inside the directory for a more detailed explanation of what's all included. Be sure to remove this once it's all set up.
The coding-guidelines has a set of general guidelines for each language. Each project is free to adjust these, so check there for specifics. There is also a that goes over good language agnostic coding practices.
Finally, there is a presentation folder that holds links to past presentations.
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This project is licensed under the CC-BY-4.0, see the file for details