Releases: OPMDG/opm-core
Releases · OPMDG/opm-core
version 2.5
Please also look at wh_nagios 2.5 changes.
- make graphs templates table and sequence dumpable if version was upgraded from 2.3
version 2.4
Please note that you must perform a "SELECT grant_appli('ui user')" if you upgrade from 2.3 to 2.4
New features and changes:
- show services and related status even if they don't have perfdata (depending
on the Nagios server capabilities). Thanks to Kyungho Kim for report and
help. - add the ability to rename an account and a server
- add the ability the remove an empty server (after all services have been
deleted) - add a select all/none series button in graph edition page
- add graph templates. This allow to automatically configure graphs options or remove metrics when a new graph is created
- display the host name in the UI titles
- when a new metrics is created, only create a new graph if there are already multiple graphs
- remove the "stay connected" option, always stay connected
- stay connected for a long time, not only the browser lifetime
- allow superuser to change user password
- add ability to specify an interval in the URL
- fix ms precision in graphs when the unit is second
- make the UI compatible with mojo 6.0+
- use ISO 8601 date format
- fix some typo in french translation
- order search results by name
- fix accounts_list page when not connected
- rename a javascript function to fix warning
- fix the UI to be compatible with Perl 5.10
- allow routes for server having exotic names. The only forbidden character for a server name is "/"
- fix several links on the UI
- fix error-level alerts style
- fix issue in the list of accoutns for an OPM user
- automatically handle warehouse deletion
version 2.3
REL_2_3 Bump version to 2.3.