What's Changed
- Add lighthouse files to git ignore by @rmccar in #3354
- Update macro tests to allow running of specific tests by @rmccar in #3361
- Format tests by @rmccar in #3365
- Refactor Accordion component test file to new format by @balibirchlee in #3320
- Refactor Breadcrumbs component test file to new format by @balibirchlee in #3342
- Remove space from button newWindowDescription by @rmccar in #3363
- Fixed Lighthouse testing local and in CI by @alessioventuriniAND in #3355
- VR tests moved to ubuntu by @alessioventuriniAND in #3368
- Fix text-index component example displaying blank page in jinja by @precious-onyenaucheya-ons in #3370
- Remove button variant class when no variant set by @rmccar in #3372
Dependency updates
Full Changelog: 70.0.16...70.0.17