This repo is the Coursepedia project that can present your course history and recommend your future courses for NYU Shanghai CS students.
The contributors are Yongyu Liu, Haocheng Yang, and Yuxuan Xia
Follow these steps to run the project
- install dependencies
pip install django-cors-headers Django djangorestframework psycopg
- Database setup (Make sure you have PostgreSQL installed)
createdb your_database_name
Modify database settings in backend/se_project/
Run migrations and start the Django development server:
cd backend
python migrate
python runserver
- Run database upload script
cd courses
Before you begin, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. You can download and install them from here.
cd frontend/myapp
npm install
npm start
Go to Test README for detail instruction to run tests
Refer to issue 12 for the instruction to get the course history source code.