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CHaMP Workbench

Before you build don't forget:

  1. Execute RetrieveWorkbenchMasterDB.bat to get a copy of the ZIP file for this project
  2. Execute DownloadCPPLibs.bat to get rasterman and any other libs you might need.

Report Transforms

All the reports get generated by applying an XSL transform to XML. The XSL files in this repo are built in another repo. DO NOT EDIT THEM DIRECTLY

To update the XSL transforms:

  1. Make changes to the champ-xsl-reports repo
  2. Push your changes to champ-xsl-reports
  3. Verify that the report is correct using the address like:
  4. Run the batch file ()

Setting up for development

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Double click the DownloadCPPLibs.bat to get the latest libs including rasterman etc.
  3. Make sure Nuget is installed on your machine and download all nuget packages for workbench.
  4. Double click the RetrieveWorkbenchMasterDB.bat to get a copy of the latest template DB.
  5. Copy the secrets_TEMPLATE.xml and call it secrets.xml. Enter the GeoOptix and AWS credentials.

You should be good to build. Contact us if you have problems.

Build Checklist

1. If the DB Schema is changed:

  1. Make sure the template workbench Access DB has the right version.
  2. Make sure the Project-> settings version matches from step 1.
  3. Make sure the RetrieveWorkbenchMasterDB.bat contains the right version number.
  4. Zip up the template workbench DB and make sure it gets uploaded to s3://
  5. Run RetrieveWorkbenchMasterDB.bat
  6. (optional) Do a git commit with a message like "Upgrading DB to V29"

2. In all cases:

  1. Increment the Assembly versions.
  2. Do a publish and make sure the autobuild version is implemented correctly. Make sure the install URL is correct:
  3. Do a git commit. Make sure to TAG IT with the version number from step 1.
  4. S3 sync the publish folder to the correct bucket.


GNU General Public License