The LoggerBot NuGet package provides a logging service that integrates with Telegram bots. It allows developers to easily log messages of various types (error, info, warning, success, and generic messages) to a designated Telegram chat using a Telegram bot.
You can install the LoggerBot NuGet package via the NuGet Package Manager or the .NET CLI:
dotnet add package LoggerBot
- Configure LoggerBot First, configure LoggerBot in your application's startup code to register the logger service in the dependency injection container:
using LoggerBot;
- Inject and Use LoggerService Inject the ILoggerService interface into your classes where logging is required and use its methods to log messages:
using LoggerBot.Services;
public class MyClass
private readonly ILoggerService _logger;
public MyClass(ILoggerService logger)
_logger = logger;
public async Task SomeMethod()
// Log an error message
await _logger.ErrorAsync("An error occurred.");
// Log an info message
await _logger.InfoAsync("Some information message.");
// Log a success message
await _logger.SuccessAsync("Operation completed successfully.");
// Log a warning message
await _logger.WarningAsync("Warning: Resource limit exceeded.");
// Log a generic message
await _logger.MessageAsync("A generic message.");
The LoggerBot requires configuration settings to connect to your Telegram bot. Ensure the following configuration keys are present in your appsettings.json or environment variables:
LoggerBot:Token: The token of your Telegram bot.
LoggerBot:ChatId: The ID of the Telegram chat where logs will be sent.
"LoggerBot": {
"Token": "bot-token",
"ChatId": "-100chatId"
Error: Used for logging error messages.
Info: Used for logging informational messages.
Success: Used for logging success messages.
Warning: Used for logging warning messages.
Message: Used for logging generic messages.
Feel free to expand upon this documentation with more details specific to your package's usage or additional features!