This repository contains a script for setting up a node on shido blockchain.
System Requirements: 4 or more physical CPU cores. At least 200GB disk storage. At least 16GB of memory (RAM) At least 100mbps network bandwidth.
git clone 'repourl'
open a terminal window and run the following command [Verify permission of that file]
./ (it's for ubuntu os)
for mac run this script
./ (it's for MAC os)
NOTE: The blockchain syncing is running in a background as a service you can print the logs and check the logs of the node with the following command.
journalctl -u shido -f (it's for ubuntu)
for mac logs run this
tail -f $HOME/logfile.log (it's for mac)
Important note copy the key mnemonics and save it in a safe place. see the mnemonics on top of the json output in terminal