AWS S3 storage analysis tool Beta version.
Tool gives below information of a s3 bucket
- Bucket name
- Creation date of the bucket
- Number of files
- Total size of files
- Last modified date (most recent file of a bucket)
- Cost anayalsis (Only storage)
- Region
Clone repository:
git clone
Before running script please run "aws configure"
OSX user can "source virtenv/bin/activate" and Linux user can use "source virtenv-linux/bin/activate" to activate virtual environment or use absoulte path of python while exectuing. All the required modules have been installed in virtual environment.
- awscli
Run: From the repository folder run "virtenv-linux/bin/python"
(virtenv-linux) ubuntu@ip-172-31-42-233:~/awss3/aws-s3$ virtenv-linux/bin/python
"<Name of the S3 bucket>": {
"EstimatedPrice": 0.012221185223199427,
"lastModifiedTimeStamp": "2017-07-27 22:57:16",
"createdDate": "2017-07-25 20:20:26",
"region": "us-west-2",
"fileCount": "2577",
"size": "570539031"
Unit Test Case:
(virtenv-linux) ubuntu@ip-172-31-42-233:~/awss3/aws-s3$ python
.{'test': {'EstimatedPrice': 8652.799999999977, 'lastModifiedTimeStamp': '2018-04-17 21:58:18', 'createdDate': '2018-04-17 21:57:27', 'region': 'ap-south-1', 'fileCount': '1', 'size': '384829069721599'}}
.{'test': {'EstimatedPrice': 14694.399999999958, 'lastModifiedTimeStamp': '2018-04-17 21:58:18', 'createdDate': '2018-04-17 21:57:27', 'region': 'ap-south-1', 'fileCount': '1', 'size': '659706976665598'}}
.{'test': {'EstimatedPrice': 1254.399999999977, 'lastModifiedTimeStamp': '2018-04-17 21:58:18', 'createdDate': '2018-04-17 21:57:27', 'region': 'ap-south-1', 'fileCount': '1', 'size': '53876069761023'}}
Ran 4 tests in 0.002s