Participation repo for STAT 545
The files of each session are located in this repo. There is a folder for each week of the classes. You can find the related files of a session of a week in the related folder. Here are links to the folders that contain the files of each of the sessions:
- Class Meeting 1 Introduction to STAT 545 and GitHub
- Class Meeting 2 Introduction to R
- Class Meeting 3 Authoring
- Class Meeting 4 The version control workflow
There are no files realted to this session.
- Class Meeting 5 Intro to plotting with ggplot2, Part I
- Class Meeting 6 Intro to data wrangling, Part I
- Class Meeting 7 Intro to data wrangling, Part II
- Class Meeting 8 Intro to plotting with ggplot2, Part II
- Class Meeting 9 Tidy Data and Pivoting
- Class Meeting 10 Tibble Joins
- Class Meeting 11 File input/output (I/O)
- Class Meeting 12 Working with factors in R
- Class Meeting 13 Effective Visualizations
- Class Meeting 14 The Model-Fitting Paradigm in R