A website made in symfony to find and create recipes
Made user able to create and add a recipe in their account favorites
🌐 Create a recipe
🔄 View a recipe
⭐ Add a recipe in favorite
Future features :
✏️ Editing and delete a recipe
📶 Admin panel to manage recipe
- PHP 8.0.X
- MariaDB 10.10.X
- Symfony 7.0.1
- Composer
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Modify your database connection information. (
./.env -> DATABASE_URL
). - Import file
to your database (The same name than the.env
file). - Do a
composer i
to init projet - Launch the command to import DataFixtures
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
. - Start symfony server with
symfony server:start -d
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.