CG_Labs contains the source code for the various Computer Graphics courses taught at Lund University (EDAF80 and EDAN35). All assignments of EDAF80 are available, as well as the second assignment of EDAN35.
The public repository is found at
CG_Labs uses the following dependencies:
- CMake (>= 3.0): to generate project files and handle dependencies;
- Git: to clone missing dependencies;
- GLFW (>= 3.2.1): to create a window and an OpenGL context, as well as handle inputs;
- GLAD: to load OpenGL extensions;
- GLM (>= for linear algebra operations;
- Dear ImGui (>= 1.51): to display information on screen, such as logs;
- assimp (>= 4.1.0): to load OBJ models;
- lodepng: to load PNG files;
The project contains the needed files for GLAD and lodepng, and it will download assimp, Dear ImGui, GLM and GLFW if they are not found on your computer, so you only need to make sure that CMake and Git are installed on your computer.
An OpenGL 4.1 context is created by the project. You could possibly lower that to an OpenGL 3.3 context, but it is not supported.
C++14 features are used by this project, so you will need a C++14-capable compiler; if you are using Visual Studio, that means Visual Studio 2015 or later.
The different resources used in the assignments, textures, object files, can be found in this ZIP file, which should be automatically retrieved by CMake.
We will use the following directory layout:
* some_random_folder // Wherever you want to store the project on your | // computer. | |-> * code // This is what you downloaded from GitHub.
On the contrary to previous versions, Visual Studio 2017 can use CMake files directly, so instead of opening a project, choose “Open a folder” and select the “code” folder. After a few seconds, Visual Studio should start processing the CMake files and downloading the dependencies: this can take some time.
Once Visual Studio is done with the processing, you should now have a new menu called “CMake” in the menu bar. In there you can build and clean the project, edit the CMake configuration, and others.
After building, it is now time to run the assignment. In order to do that, you need to choose the “Startup Item” by clicking on the combo box preceded by a green arrow pointing to the right (similar to the “play” or “start” symbols), and select, for example, “EDAF80_Assignment1.exe”.
The project uses CMake to automate the building. It is recommended to build in a separate folder but you can as well build directly within the source directory. We will use the following directory layout:
* some_random_folder // Wherever you want to store the project on your | // computer. | |-> * code // This is what you downloaded from GitHub. | |-> * build // A folder you created, and which will contain all the // build related files.
First, you need to create the project files, be it for Unix Makefiles, Ninja, Xcode, or Visual Studio:
cd build cmake -G $generator ../code
where $generator
can be, among others, "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
for Visual Studio 2015 on a 64-bit computer, "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
for Visual Studio 2017 on a 64-bit computer, Xcode
for Xcode,
"Unix Makefiles"
for Unix Makefiles. To see the full list of generators
supported by CMake, have a look at cmake-generators(7).
If you prefer to use CMake GUI, just set the source directory to “code” and the build directory to “build”. Then, press the “Configure” button, modify some of the variables if needed, and press the button again. Finally, press the “Generate” button to create the project files.
You should now have your project files available in the “build” folder. To
build the project, you can either use your IDE’s interface, or run
cmake --build .
from the “build” folder. You can pass
--config Debug|RelWithDebInfo|Release
to build in a specific configuration.
If CMake fails to retrieve the resource archive, you will need to make sure to extract the zip containing the resources into “code”; this should result in the creation of a folder “res” under “code”.
If you are on a laptop and would like to force the assignments to run on the
discrete GPU, set the option GLFW_USE_HYBRID_HPG
to ON
using CMake
— either from the CMake GUI or using CMake on the command line.
- Dear ImGui is released under an MIT licence, see Dear ImGui’s licence.
- lodepng’s licence can be found at the top of every lodepng file.
- This project is unlicenced, see the UNLICENCE file.