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Hi! I am Nikhil Raj Pandey.

My Main Projects

Maths + Programming

  • Sin Finder This is a simple program for calculating sin of any angle.In this Program I have not just use the math library to calculate the sin of angle but instead i have written my own function for it in main.cpp and also writted the algorithm in algorithm.txt.

  • Polynomial Divide This is a program to calculate divison for two polynomials in C++ that we have read in class(IX/X) Like If this is divisor "-x2+x-1" and this is dividend then "-x3</ sup>+3x2-3x+5" Then it will return Quoitent +1x-2 and Reminder +3

  • RamanjumHardyNumber Generator This is a simple c++ program to print 100 RamanujamHardyNumbers(TaxiCab) by computation.

C/C++ Programs

  • Christmas Tree I have made this program by seeing the reference of geeksforgeeks Christmas program But i have'nt just copied that.

  • Link List Implementation This is my coding practice For implementing Linked List in C++.

  • Integer to String In this program I writed function to convert Integer to string from scratch.

Python Projects

  • MineCraft AutoClicker This is a simple autoclicker made for minecraft using pynput,python3. Its repetitively click right click (Mouse) when Middle Mouse Button is hold and repetitively click left click (Mouse) when R key is Pressed.

  • Blaster Python Game A simple game in which you have to escape from spaceship and kill (In Which Spaceships are rectangles for simplicity of project).

  • Automatic Snake Game In this project I tried to automate the snake game using simple set of rules. Its not perfect.

Built From P5.js

  • Blaster This game is a remake of my this game in p5js. That I made in 2019. Play this Game Here.

  • Graph World This is a simple project made using p5js and javascript for learning to implement drag and drop, graphs Data structure. You can access this website Here.

  • Roaming Rocket This is a simple simulation of rocket that is roaming in space. You can see and control simulation of this rocket from Here.

  • Clock P5js It is a simple Clock I made it for my practice for Trignometry Triangles+Coding Practices

  • Tic Tac Toe This is a simple game tic-tac-toe(O-X) made using javascript,minimax algorithm and p5.js

  • Screen Saver Animation This is a screen saver animation. Mimick of Ubuntu mate screen saver that is made by me using p5Js and html (🤣)

  • Snow Man This is a simple drawing of snowman using cirlces and ellipse.

My Contacts

Gmail: [email protected]
(This website is my personal website, where I collect my thoughts. It was built when I was around 16 years old, So please don't expect any professionalism)

Pinned Loading

  1. guessthenumber guessthenumber Public

    Python 12 10

  2. librarymangment librarymangment Public

    A simple Library Managment class made by Nikhil Raj Pandey

    Python 5 33

  3. motion motion Public

    To Solve Motion 9th Class Problems

    Python 3

  4. Blaster-Python-Game Blaster-Python-Game Public

    Blaster is 2d game.

    Python 3

  5. Polynomial_divide Polynomial_divide Public


  6. tic-tac-toe tic-tac-toe Public

    This is a simple game that i have made through js and p5.js
