add docker ps short version
- remove ts-node dependency f46b7d2
- Merge pull request #2 from NicoVogel/develop 6ead0d8
- update status 196e596
- add ps alias c 57ed2cf
- update nodemon e3aa1ae
- add options to ps a487f68
- update nodemon 2c10ee8
- add container commands docker-extension a6ac0d4
- fix method naming dad330d
- add command: dc ps 34879c7
- add types to images.ts 6d49f9c
- remove spawn from docker-extension.ts 2fbf8c0
- add container.ts 8e08267
- relocate images.ts af7c0da
- add export to interfaces 61de53e
- create types for docker-cli-js f8fc766
- shift docker calls into a seperat file fa9d5e7
- add docker-cli-js to package.json 86d5af1
- Merge pull request #1 from PKief/patch-1 cb2357c
- Improve formatting of table in eac84ae
- add travis build status to README 0f30427
- fix typo README 6f45c49
- fix eslint call in package.json ed960e9
- update readme 156785a
- add format and lint in package.json 428423d
- add travis 666ff84
- update description in package.json 3918fb8
- add goals to README 87a228a
- update package.json 463a54e
- rename file from doc.ts to docker-exstions.ts 0f67a78
- implement first method eeaab15
- update tsconfig.json 88541da
- made app runable 0a446df
- add install script in package.json dbeb17e
- add dist to gitignore e394874
- add types of commander and colors 1ed6f2a
- add commander and colors e2f64e7
- add tsconfig.json 4e44092
- setup run scripts e73b24a
- add index.ts 2dba4e3
- init 98a41be
- add dependencies for linter and formatter 06942bb
- add formater 0797d31
- add linter 4e74e0e
- init package.json ac4a1dc
- add vs code in gitignore 99f9b2a