RMNDR is an application to remind me what tasks I have to do. The user can add, edit, delete and change the status of the tasks which are stored in a database. A python script sends the user an email every day with all the uncompleted tasks. Authentication is also implemented. The web application is build with Flask, SQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and runs on a Raspberry Pi.
Note: The first version of this project was a To Do application run on Heroku which is a platform to build, run and operate apps entirely in the cloud. The old version is still up (it takes a couple of seconds to spin up the application). Click here to check it out.
Install the necessary dependencies by using requirements.txt .
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the following commands in the terminal.
from app import db
To delete the database you can call the drop_all() function.
from app import db
Call the add_user.py script and follow the instructions to add a user.
python3 add_user.py
For the mail functionality a gmail account is required. Save the gmail address and password as environment variables in .profile file:
nano ~/.profile
export EMAIL_USER=<email address>
export EMAIL_PASSWORD=<password>
Add a crontab to execute the notify.py script whenever you like. I chose 09:00 every day. Helpful tool: crontab.
0 9 * * * . $HOME/.profile; ~/Documents/todo_platform/venv/bin/python3 ~/Documents/todo_platform/notify.py
python3 run.py
The application runs on <machine's ip>:5000 e.g. The index page will show an unauthorized message. Go to /login.