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Nick1787 edited this page Jul 7, 2016 · 3 revisions

LUT is a Lookup Table class written in c++ and fully compatible with Arduino. 1D and 2D tables are supported with linear interpolation between points and no extrapolation.


#include "LUT.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const float LUT1D_XDATA[2] = {0,10};
const float LUT1D_ZDATA[2] = {5,10};

const float LUT2D_XDATA[2] = {0,10};
const float LUT2D_YDATA[2] = {0,10};
const float LUT2D_ZDATA[2][2] = {{5,10},{10,15}};

//Instantiate LUT's

int main(){
	cout << endl;
	cout << "1D Lookup -1: " << Tbl1D.lookup(-1) << endl;
	cout << "1D Lookup  5: " << Tbl1D.lookup(5) << endl;
	cout << "1D Lookup 11: " << Tbl1D.lookup(11) << endl << endl;
	cout << "2D Lookup -1, -1: " << Tbl2D.lookup(-1,-1) << endl;
	cout << "1D Lookup -1,  5: " << Tbl2D.lookup(-1,5) << endl;
	cout << "1D Lookup  5, -1: " << Tbl2D.lookup(5,-1) << endl;
	cout << "1D Lookup  5,  5: " << Tbl2D.lookup(5,5) << endl;
	cout << "1D Lookup  5, 11: " << Tbl2D.lookup(5,11) << endl;
	cout << "1D Lookup  11, 5: " << Tbl2D.lookup(11,5) << endl;
	cout << "1D Lookup  11,11: " << Tbl2D.lookup(11,11) << endl;
	return 0;

Example Results

1D Lookup -1: 5
1D Lookup  5: 7.5
1D Lookup 11: 10

2D Lookup -1, -1: 5
1D Lookup -1,  5: 7.5
1D Lookup  5, -1: 7.5
1D Lookup  5,  5: 10
1D Lookup  5, 11: 12.5
1D Lookup  11, 5: 12.5
1D Lookup  11,11: 15
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