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Releases: NiceOpenSource/posttolemmy

POST to lemmy 0.1.9 beta

25 Nov 13:01
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⚡ Replaced Font Awesome by Feather Icons for lighter sources
💾 Less than a Megabyte !
🔒 Replaced some specific librairies code to match with Firefox's Policy about Third Party librairies
👆 Deactivated the post button after a successful post
🌍 Compatibility with Opera and Chromium tested successfully

POST to lemmy 0.1.8 beta

23 Nov 15:04
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🥇 Changed extension id to transfer the extension to NiceOpenSource
:octocat: Changed the link in manifest.json to this repository

POST to lemmy 0.1.7 beta

23 Nov 15:02
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:octocat: Repository

  • 🚀 Added a CI/CD with Github Actions to draft new releases on tag creation

🧩 Extension

POST to lemmy v 0.1.6 alpha

09 Nov 09:18
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A stable alpha release, including:

  • 🗳️ Ehanced sync storage stability, carry your lemmy from one device to another
  • ⚡ Lightened sources (removed unused file from the font-awesome folder and other obsolete stuff)
  • 🌐 Ehanced cross browser compatibilty
  • ❌ Removed default manifest.json to make no difference between Firefox and Chrome users
  • 💅 Ehanced and more coherent design

POST to lemmy v 0.1.5 alpha

06 Nov 12:39
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POST to lemmies !

  • 🗳️ Using synchronized storage to save multiple lemmy's credentials so you can carry your them from one computer to another with a Firefox or Google account.
  • 💅 Styles have been a little revisited and fonts have changed to make the look more coherent
  • 👍 Chrome compatibilty enhanced
  • ⚡ Reduced sources size

POST to lemmy v 0.1.4 alpha

03 Nov 11:52
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  • Cross-browser compatible ! (Chromium based and Mozilla Firefox)
  • Added form validation when attempting a post
    • Ehanced stability
  • Removed markdown editor to lighten the extension and it's UI

POST to lemmy v 0.1.3 alpha

02 Nov 12:59
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First version with the editor and previewer (still in alpha tho)

Editor : Added a tool bar with buttons that :

  • Adds the right tags where needed
  • Place them and write between
  • Select a part of the text to place the tags around
  • Powered by DownArea

Pre-viewer: Added a preview button that generates html from the markdown content then displaying the html in a Modal.
Pre-viewer powered by showdownJS

POST to lemmy v 0.1.2 alpha

02 Nov 10:30
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  1. No more auto-opening a window on post success, to match Mozilla firefox's features policy on web extensions, instead, the user is offered a link to view the post
  2. inverted comunities title and name position

POST to Lemmy 0.1.1 alpha

29 Oct 13:01
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  • Officialisation du nouveau style
  • Customisation de la popup en fonction de l'instance de lemmy choisie
    • Titre
    • Logo

POST to Lemmy 0.1 alpha

29 Oct 11:09
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Fonctionnalités de base:

  • Post a un lemmy
  • Remplissage automatique des champs


  1. L'utilisateur entre l'URL d'une instance de Lemmy et son identifiant à cette dernière, l'extension se connecte à cette instance, l'utilisateur n'a plus qu'a ouvrir l'extension et cliquer sur un bouton pour poster son lien.
  2. Standardisé pour fonctionner avec toutes les versions de Lemmy >= 0.10.0 .