To fully understand Clicksign webhooks system, click here
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'clicksign-webhooks'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install clicksign-webhooks
First, mount this engine on your app.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount Clicksign::Webhooks::Engine => "/clicksign-webhooks"
Depending on your version of rails, use either rails routes -g clicksign-webhooks
or rake routes | grep clicksign-webhooks
, to see the path:
$ rake routes | grep clicksign-webhooks
Routes for Clicksign::Webhooks::Engine:
event POST /event(.:format) clicksign/webhooks/events#create
Your rails app able to receive a POST
at /clicksign-webhooks/event
Then create a initializer using a Proc
to each possible event:
Clicksign::Webhooks.configure do |config|
# Setup HMAC
config.hmac = ENV['CLICKSIGN_HMAC_KEY']
# You have to setup one Proc for each event
# Available events are described below
config.on_upload = ->(event) {
# Do something with sent event parameters
# ...
The argument event
is a Hash
- on_upload
- on_add_signer
- on_remove_signer
- on_sign
- on_close
- on_auto_close
- on_deadline
- on_cancel
- on_update_deadline
- on_update_auto_close
Feel free to contribute. Pull requests are welcome.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.