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NetsBlox Mobile

Currently available for Android at Google Store


  • big action buttons on android
  • keyboard interaction on ios
  • ? missing roles

Installation Tips

  • Requirements: Node (version 10)

    • Android Studio
    • XCode (for IOS development)
  • Globally install ionic and cordova:

    npm i -g @ionic/cli npm i -g [email protected]

  • Clone the repo git clone --recursive REPO_URL_HERE netsblox-mobile && cd netsblox-mobile && git pull --recurse-submodules

  • Setup NetsBlox as a submodule:

    • add git submodule add
    • update the submodule to pull its submodules git submodule update --init --recursive
    • install netsblox dependencies to allow buliding dist file cd netsblox && npm i; cd ../
  • Setup NetsBlox's browser by going to src/browser and running git submodule update --init --recursive

  • Create a relative symlink from netsblox's browser directory to src/assets/netsblox-client ln -s ../../netsblox/src/browser src/assets/netsblox-client

  • everytime netsblox submodule is changed/updated run bin/ to rebuild the nb dependencies

Platform Dependent Tips

Read general instructions on how to publish on Ionic's docs


In order for android webview to support the viewport tag you need to update the file CordovaLib/src/org/apache/cordova/engine/ by adding


more information available at cordova viewport fix

To generate a production ready APK, run ./bin/ KEYSTORE_PATH ALIAS VERSION to generate a production ready apk. Don't forget to subsitute keysore, alias and version number with appropriate values.


  • Take advantage of free provisioning to deploy to your device w/o a developer account.
  • To deploy to device:
    1. open platforms/ios in XCode
    2. click the project from the left pane to open its settings
    3. signing > select a team (refer to free provisioning)
    4. go to your device settings > general > dev management > trust your account
    5. ionic cordova run ios --device
  • To publish to app store
    1. check/change signing identity located at ./platforms/ios/corodva/bulid-release.xcconfig
    2. ensure you have the correct bundle id (same as the one defined in itunes connect)

Environment Variables

Set the environment variables below to configure your deployment.

  • SERVER_URL to set the main server's url
  • ANDROID_HOME to android sdk directory
  • JAVA_HOME to jdk directory
  • PATH should include android build-tools