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How to edit the website

How to add Pages

How to edit the Footer

In the _includes folder you can find the footer.html file as well as the sidebar.html file.

Sidebar.html contains the contact information parts of the footer whereas footer.html only contains the footer element and the copyright declaration.

Editing this file will cause changes to happen on all pages.

How to edit the Header

In the _includes folder you can find the header.html file.

To change the image in the header go to custom.scss in the _sass folder in the css folder in the assets folder and look for "header#hero".

Editing this file will cause changes to happen on all pages.

How to edit the Navigation Bar

In the _includes folder you can find the navigation.html file.

To change the text on the left side of the nav bar change the 3rd line from saying "NetFPGA" to the desired new text.

To add new elements to the right side add a new list item to the unordered list.

To add new elements to one of the dropdown menus first select the relevant dropdown menu then add it to the relevant selection of the dropdown menu.

The "Home" dropdown menu is for all the NetFPGA systems with the top section being the supported systems and the bottom section being the old systems.

The "About" dropdown menu is for pages that are gives context on NetFPGA with the top section being pages on the NetFPGA website and the bottom section being pages hosted on different websites.

Editing the Navigation bar will affect every page.

How to edit the page layout

In the _layouts folder you can find default.html and page.html. Editing either one of these will affect the layout of the page.

To edit the layout with precision edit default.html because page.html uses default.html as its layout

Editing either of these will edit the layout of every page, however changing page.html won't change the layout on the ecosystem page. To change that edit the ecosystem-layout.html.

Editing the layout of a specific page

To edit the specific of a particular page create a new html file in the _layouts folder and on the page you are editing change the layout to be the new layout you have just made.

How to edit a particular page

How to edit the Home Page

To edit the Home page edit the index.html file.

The recent news section can be edited by editing the most-recent-news-posts.html found in the _includes folder

How to edit the pages for each system

How to edit the NetFPGA PLUS page

Edit the NetFGPA-PlUS.html file.

How to edit the NetFPGA SUME page

Edit the NetFPGA-SUME.html file.

How to edit the NetFPGA CML page

Edit the NetFPGA-CML.html file.

How to edit the NetFPGA 10G page

Edit the NetFPGA-10G.html file.

How to edit the NetFPGA 1G page

Edit the NetFPGA-1G.html file.

How to edit the about page

Edit the About.html file.

All logos can be found sorted into hosts and supporters in the Logos folders in the images folder in the assets folder.

How to edit the ecosystem page

To edit the text at the top of the ecosystem edit the ecosystem.html page.

To edit information on one of the cards check the ecosystem subfolder of the _posts folder. Look for the file with the name of the ecosystem part after the date.

To add a new card check for the metadata tags that are needed as well as the purpose of each one. The ecosystem file should be named with the date it was added to the site in the format <YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>-<Name of Ecosystem part>. The date used in the name of the file should be the date the file was added to the website.

To add a new button to the ecosystem page copy and paste one of the buttons that is already in ecosystem-buttons and then replace the specifics with the relevant information. And make sure that the button is in the correct section on the page.

If adding new organisations, organisation types, product types, target platforms please make sure to check

How to edit the Publications to page

Each years publications are in the _includes folder with the naming system of <YYYY>-Publications.html To add publications to a particular year edit the corresponding file for the year.

To add a new years publications follow the same format as the most recent years one. But where it uses a year use the current year. Then add the class "collapsed" to the div with the button in and remove the "show" class from the div with the list of publications in.

Then add:

{% include <YYYY>-Publications.html %}



to Publications.html

How to edit the news and events page

To edit the functionality of the checkboxes edit the news-and-events.html file.

To change the information about a specific event/piece of news look for the file you're looking for in the news-and-events subfolder of the _posts folder and all files that show up on the website have file names looking like <YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>-<title>.md

To add a new piece of news check for all that's required.

to add a new event check for all that's required.

For events that have their information hosted on the NetFPGA website to edit those files these pages can be found in the _pages folder with the same naming format as the the events.

If you want to add a new metadata field to the posts first add it to the example posts for the relevant categories and it what it is used for. Then add it to the rest of the affected posts. Then in the news and events file add

{% if post.<metadata tag> %}

<appropriate tag>{{ post.<metadata tag> }}</appropriate tag>

{% endif %}

How to edit the why NetFPGA page

Edit the why-NetFPGA.html

Most of the css used in the website is Bootstrap but the non-bootstrap css can be found here.


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