Automation for Apache Proxy NGINX configuration with optimization on Ubuntu 18.04
Part of the script relys on Engintron configurations for the NGINX installation.
The purpose of this script is so that I don't have to install everything manualy every, single, blody, TIME when I need a new web server. This scrip will install and secure the apache and nginx and will work with most popular websites platforms like WordPress and Magento.
You can run the script on a clean Ubuntu 18.04 server to install and auto configure Apache and php-fpm with NGINX as proxy.
- When executing the script on a clean server you will be promt to enter the domain name(FQDN) and the php version.
You can run the script on a server with Apache already installed to add NGINX as a proxy alongside the Apache server.
- If Apache server alredy installed you will be only promt to enter the domain name(FQDN) and NGINX will be installed and configured.
If you execute the script for a scond time after a successful installation you will be granted an option to Disable/Enable the NGINX proxy.
- If you encontering any issues after the NGINX installation you can simply disable the NGINX by running the script a second time.
- To reanable nginx just run the script again.
You can download and execute the script by using the following one-liner:
cd /; rm -f; wget; bash
- This script was created to automate initial web server creation and configuration, I recomnet to experiment and test it in a dev environment before going with it to production.
- I take no responsibility if you break your production server by using my script, like everything you find on the internet make sure to read the script before blindly using it.