This project was produced for a class at my University
- Orentation based presets
- Rotatry Encdoer to select time
- Round LCD
To run the round LCD from Waveshare I used this driver designed by @russhughes
The rotatry encoder used this code from @miketeachman
The MPU6050 gyroscope used this code from @micropython-IMU
This system uses four modes to funtion properly:
No timer is active and no new timer was set.
If oentation is changed sets mode to PRIMED.
If button is pressed for more than two seconds sets mode to CUSTOM.
Holding state between IDLE and ACTIVE. If orientation has not been changed in the last two seconds changed mode to ACTIVE.
The timer is currently active.
Checks if the integer precent changed has chagned adjusted the view to such that the display represents that. Also updates the dispayed text to MM:SS format
If the rotary encoder is chagned the time is set to the value at that postiont.
RANGE: 0 Minutes to 99 Minutes and 59 Seconds.