Releases: Nasdaq/NasdaqCloudDataService-SDK-Java
Releases · Nasdaq/NasdaqCloudDataService-SDK-Java
Removing Strimzi Dependency
Removing Strimzi Dependency
- Upgrade kafka client
- Clean up and upgrade other dependencies
- Fix consumer group id
- Update using apche kafka callback handler for Oauth
- Updated Strimzi Oauth common version to 0.8.1
- Updated kafka version to 2.8.0
- Fixing vulnerabilities highlighted by github scan
- Remove certificate pinning for java sdk
- Removing certificate pinning from docker sdk
- Provide and option for custom groupid suffix in mirrormaker
- Updated ReadME for certificate pinning
0.4.0 (deprecated)
For SDK versions 0.4.x and higher:
Setting the auto.offset.reset property in to latest, will start the consumer from where it last stopped consuming or failed (not with latest message).
Setting the auto.offset.reset property in to earliest, will always start the consumer reading data after midnight (12:00:00 AM ET)
The default value for auto.offset.reset is earliest.
0.3.0 (deprecated)
Updating SDK to use Kafka 2.6.0
Updating base docker image for 0.20.0
Updating mirrormaker
Updating certificate management code to download the correct cert
Adding date in consumer-group-id
0.2.1 (deprecated)
Updating certificate management code to download the correct cert
0.2.0 (deprecated)
Replaced DOD with CQT
0.1.0 (deprecated)
Added link to NFN specs