Attack on Jump City is an exciting, Teen Titans-inspired, dodge-based shooting game that puts players in the role of Starfire, one of the members of the Teen Titans. In this game, Starfire uses her powerful green starbolts to take on the notorious villain Slade. As Starfire, players must strategically aim and fire her starbolts at Slade while also jumping over his attacks to avoid being hit. The game tests players' abilities by requiring a blend of sharp reflexes, precise timing, and strategic decision-making to achieve victory. Are you up for the challenge?!
To run this game, you need to have the latest version of Python on your device and pygame installed.
To check your Python version, use the command:
python --version
To install pygame run the following command:
python3 -m pip install -U pygame --user
To test if it's working, run this example of a pygame:
python3 -m pygame.examples.aliens
If the above steps went well, you are all set to download the JumpCity folder and run the game on your favorite code editor!
Unfortunately, I am not able to host it on github pages after making several attempts
Up Arrow Key - Jump/Dodge
Left Arrow Key - Move left
Right Arrow Key - Move Right
Spacebar - Shoot projectiles
If you want to use unique character sprites instead, feel free to create your own sprite sheet using this link
If I were to take this game to the next level and refine it further, there are several exciting features I would consider adding to enhance the overall gameplay experience. One significant improvement would be the addition of an option to select a player character from the Teen Titans roster. This would allow players to choose from a variety of familiar and beloved characters, each with their own unique attacks and playstyles.
Additionally, I would incorporate a feature that lets players choose an enemy to face, with varying difficulty levels. This would ensure that the game remains challenging and engaging for all types of players. Players could select an enemy that matches their skill level or opt for a tougher opponent as they improve, making the game feel more dynamic and replayable.
Currently, when players win or lose, they are required to manually close and reopen the game to start again, which can be frustrating and disrupt the flow of the experience. A restart button would streamline the process, allowing players to jump back into the action quickly without unnecessary interruptions. This would significantly improve player satisfaction, making the game feel more polished and user-friendly
This is a final project for the course CS460 held at the University of Massachusetts Boston.
I would like to thank Professor Daniel Haehn and teaching assistants Vidhya Sree Narayanappa, Edward Gaibor, and Argo Kiernan-Paadre for providing me with the opportunity to enhance my problem-solving abilities through a final project that has significantly improved my critical thinking, time management, and programming skills. This has been the most engaging and liberating computer science course I have taken so far.
For the completion of the project, I owe the backbone of my code to the Youtuber Tech with Tim and the Youtuber Goodgis for giving me the idea to build a pygame as my final project.