Scoring module for interfacing the DSP. It forwards the requests data to the data processing module
The scoring-module can be easily run with the docker-compose.yml configuration file included in the repository. Adjust the parameters of the configuration file to your scenario.
sudo docker-compose up
The docker image will be pulled automatically from docker hub.
- Install the dependencies:
sudo apt-get install make g++ libgflags-dev libboost-thread-dev libpqxx-dev libzmq3-dev
- In debian zmqpp is not available in the repositories. Install it from github:
tar zxvf 4.1.2.tar.gz && cd zmqpp-4.1.2
make && sudo make install && ldconfig
cd ..
- Build the binaries with make:
We recommend running the scoring module as a containerized service with docker-compose. However, you can run it in native for testing as follows:
./nameles-scoring -dbIP <> -dbUSER <user> -dbNAME <nameles>
You need to specify at least the database parameters from where to extract the scores. This database is built by the data-processing-module. While we update the data processing module to be seamlessly integrated with the scoring module, you can build the database from log files. The parameters for the database can be passed from command line.
The program accepts the following command line parameters:
- -MPS (Queries per second) type: int default: 30000
- -day (Day of the database to use for the hash tables in format YYMMDD)) type: string default: "161201"
- -dbIP (IP address of the database, data processing module) type: string default: ""
- -dbNAME (database name) type: string default: "nameles"
- -dbPWD (password of the database) type: string default: "password"
- -dbUSER (database user) type: string default: "user"
- -dspIP (IP address of the DSP) type: string default: ""
- -rcvport ("Receive from" port) type: int default: 58501
- -sndport ("Send to" port) type: int default: 58505
- -fwdport (Data analysis forwarding port) type: int default: 58510
- -min_total (Minimum number of visits to consider a domain score) type: int default: 250
- -nWorkers (Number of workers) type: int default: 4