This library provides simple utilities that are nice to have.
These modules are used to produce linear- or logarithmically-spaced
floating-point values. Normally you would just place the resulting
values inside a container such as std::vector<T>
, but you can use
and nice::logspace_iterator
directly to
iterate over the values without needing to store them.
As with most other implementations of linspace
and logspace
, the
default number of values generated is 100.
// C++ Standard Library
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
// nice Library
#include <nice/linspace.hpp>
#include <nice/logspace.hpp>
int main()
std::cout << "linspace(-1, 5, 7)\n";
auto vlin = nzl::nice::make_linspace<std::vector<double>>(-1, 5, 7);
for (const auto & item : vlin) std::cout << item << "\n";
std::cout << "logspace(1, 5, 7)\n";
auto vlog = nzl::nice::make_logspace<std::vector<float>>(1, 5, 7);
for (const auto & item : vlog) std::cout << item << "\n";
The slurp
function is used to read an entire file into an std::string
#include <nice/slurp.hpp>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// [error checking, etc...]
auto contents = nzl::nice::slurp(argv[1]);
// do something with "contents" (an std::string)