A chat bot for helping refugees settle into new places
Very basic application bootstrap. Calls and configures the databse, models, routes and the server itself.
Project information and dependencies. In order to add a new dependency, install it by doing npm install <package> --save
Used by heroku when deploying. This file specifies what should be run on each deploy and what type of dyno it will run on.
Base configuration for the app. Database configuration, secrets, routes and basic server settings go here.
Each controller is in charge of a set of routes. Controllers should expose a handler (function) for each route they handle.
External libraries and adapters to them. Utility files also go here.
Each of mongoose's model gets defined here. Whenever you create a new model, you should add it to the models/setup.js
file, so that it is accessible throughout the app by doiing mongoose.model('ModelName')
Files to be used by the front end application.
Utility scripts to be run standalone. In order to seed the database with basic records run node scripts/seed.js
Single responsibility services that expose only one method. Services are to be used by controllers or scripts.
Views to be used by the front end application.