This is a linux kernel module for the NXP NFCRdLib IRQ handling of PN5190. It allows IRQ handling of PN5190 within the Kernel while the NFCRdLib runs in user space. This will allow every PN5190 IRQ Raising edge being handled by the NFCRdLib executing in user space.
Please refer also to application note:
Copy the IRQ Kernel Driver source code from /boot/ to /home/pi and build the Module using below commands on Raspbian Image.
cd ~/linux
make bcm2709_defconfig
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- bcm2709_defconfig
make M=../nxprdlib-kernel-irq/irq
Module can be loaded using modprobe:
sudo insmod /home/pi/nxprdlib-kernel-irq/irq/irq_poll.ko
sudo mknod /dev/irq c 101 0