pytdlpack release 1.0.0
Finally, version 1.0.0 release for pytdlpack is here!
Pytdlpack is a Python interface to existing MOS-2000 TDLPACK read, writing, packing, and unpacking Fortran subroutines. The necessary Fortran subroutines are included with pytdlpack and are compiled into a shared-object library using NumPy's f2py.
Main features:
- Read/Write TDLPACK sequential and random-access files.
- Perform packing and unpacking of TDLPACK data and station call letter records.
- Create TDLPACK station call letter records and data records from scratch.
IMPORTANT: The pytdlpack package includes an experimental module, TdlpackIO, which is a pure-Python implementation for fast, random access-like reading of TDLPACK sequential files. With TdlpackIO, no Fortran code is called for reading This module is a work in progress. Please do not use it to perform critical work and its usage could change with future releases.