Pub/Sub | ID | Topic | Type | Explanation |
Sub | 4000 | /ctrl/vision/grasp/location | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Relative distance to graspable area |
Sub | 4003 | /ctrl/vision/put/location | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Relative distance to put area in base_link frame |
Sub | 5000 | /ctrl/voice/nav_location_goal | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Location goal in map for robot to arrive |
Pub | 1000 | /feed/base/task_status | std_msgs/Int8 | -1: out of time & aborted 1: success 0: else |
Pub/Sub | ID | Topic | Type | Explanation |
Sub | 4001 | /ctrl/vision/grasp/pose | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Target pose in robot base_link frame |
Sub | 4002 | /ctrl/vision/detect/table | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Table pose in base_link frame |
Sub | 4004 | /ctrl/vision/put/pose | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Put pose in base_link frame |
Sub | 5001 | /ctrl/voice/arm/left | std_msgs/Int8 | State value for controlling robot left arm. 1: reset 2: open left gripper 3: move forward 4: move backward 5: move left 6: move right |
Pub | 2000 | /feed/arm/left/move/result | std_msgs/Int8 | 1: success 0: else |
Pub | 2001 | /feed/arm/left/plan/result | std_msgs/Int8 | 1: success -1: failed 0: else |
Pub/Sub | ID | Topic | Type | Explanation |
Pub | 4000 | /ctrl/vision/grasp/location | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Relative distance to graspable area |
Pub | 4001 | /ctrl/vision/grasp/pose | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Target pose in robot base_link frame |
Pub | 4002 | /ctrl/vision/detect/table | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Table pose in base_link frame |
Pub | 4003 | /ctrl/vision/put/location | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Relative distance to put area in base_link frame |
Pub | 4004 | /ctrl/vision/put/pose | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Put pose in base_link frame |
Pub | 4005 | /ctrl/vision/recognize/hand | std_msgs/Int8 | Hand gesture. -1: No hand 0: Number 10 1 |
Pub/Sub | ID | Topic | Type | Explanation |
Sub | 1000 | /feed/base/task_status | std_msgs/Int8 | -1: out of time & aborted 1: success 0: else |
Pub | 5000 | /ctrl/voice/nav_location_goal | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Location goal in map for robot to arrive |
Pub | 5001 | /ctrl/voice/arm/left | std_msgs/Int8 | State value for controlling robot left arm. 1: reset 2: open left gripper 3: move forward 4: move backward 5: move left 6: move right |
- For params transit between different modules, the name start with /comm. For param only used inside the module, start with the name of that module, like /vision
- Use /param after /comm or /vision so that we know it is a param name when writing code
- Use /ctrl and /feed to represent control param and feedback param
- At last use meaningful statement to represent the function of the param. For bool, use /is_ or /has_ as prefix
Name | Set | Get | Delete | Type | Explanation |
/comm/param/ctrl/is_put | voice arm | vision | vision | int | Whether the robot should put down the object in hand. 0: not put >=1 put |
/comm/param/ctrl/is_ready_to_serve | vision | voice | - | bool | Whether the robot capture voice, controlled by hand gesture |