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draft taylor series temperature parameterization
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mattldawson committed Jan 18, 2024
1 parent 903e70c commit d202bac
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Showing 5 changed files with 280 additions and 34 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/cross_sections/temperature_based.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ function constructor( config, grid_warehouse, profile_warehouse ) &
this%temperature_profile_ = profile_warehouse%get_ptr( "temperature", "K" )

! Load NetCDF files
call config%get( "netcdf file", file_path, my_name, found = found )
call config%get( "netcdf file", file_path, my_name )
call netcdf%read_netcdf_file( file_path = file_path%to_char( ), &
variable_name = "cross_section_" )
call assert_msg( 793476078, size( netcdf%parameters, dim = 2 ) == 1, &
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/cross_sections/util/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@

Expand Down
35 changes: 15 additions & 20 deletions src/cross_sections/util/temperature_parameterization.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,27 +57,26 @@ module tuvx_temperature_parameterization
procedure :: merge_wavelength_grids
!> Calculate the cross section value for a specific temperature
!! and wavelength
procedure :: calculate => temperature_parameterization_calculate
procedure :: calculate => calculate
!> Returns the number of bytes required to pack the parameterization
!! onto a character buffer
procedure :: pack_size => temperature_parameterization_pack_size
procedure :: pack_size => pack_size
!> Packs the parameterization onto a character buffer
procedure :: mpi_pack => temperature_parameterization_mpi_pack
procedure :: mpi_pack => mpi_pack
!> Unpacks the parameterization from a character buffer
procedure :: mpi_unpack => temperature_parameterization_mpi_unpack
procedure :: mpi_unpack => mpi_unpack
end type temperature_parameterization_t

!> Constructor for temperature_parameterization_t
interface temperature_parameterization_t
module procedure :: temperature_parameterization_constructor
module procedure :: constructor
end interface temperature_parameterization_t



function temperature_parameterization_constructor( config, wavelengths ) &
result( this )
function constructor( config, wavelengths ) result( this )
! Constructs temperature_parameterization_t objects

use musica_assert, only : assert_msg, die_msg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,7 +173,7 @@ function temperature_parameterization_constructor( config, wavelengths ) &
end do
deallocate( iter )

end function temperature_parameterization_constructor
end function constructor


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,8 +257,7 @@ end function merge_wavelength_grids


subroutine temperature_parameterization_calculate( this, temperature, &
wavelengths, cross_section )
subroutine calculate( this, temperature, wavelengths, cross_section )

use tuvx_profile, only : profile_t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -305,12 +303,11 @@ subroutine temperature_parameterization_calculate( this, temperature, &
end associate
end do

end subroutine temperature_parameterization_calculate
end subroutine calculate


integer function temperature_parameterization_pack_size( this, comm ) &
result( pack_size )
integer function pack_size( this, comm )
! Returns the size of a character buffer required to pack the
! parameterization

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -345,12 +342,11 @@ integer function temperature_parameterization_pack_size( this, comm ) &
pack_size = 0

end function temperature_parameterization_pack_size
end function pack_size


subroutine temperature_parameterization_mpi_pack( this, buffer, position, &
comm )
subroutine mpi_pack( this, buffer, position, comm )
! Packs the parameterization onto a character buffer

use musica_assert, only : assert
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,12 +383,11 @@ subroutine temperature_parameterization_mpi_pack( this, buffer, position, &
call assert( 267439201, position - prev_pos <= this%pack_size( comm ) )

end subroutine temperature_parameterization_mpi_pack
end subroutine mpi_pack


subroutine temperature_parameterization_mpi_unpack( this, buffer, position, &
comm )
subroutine mpi_unpack( this, buffer, position, comm )
! Unpacks a parameterization from a character buffer

use musica_assert, only : assert
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -431,7 +426,7 @@ subroutine temperature_parameterization_mpi_unpack( this, buffer, position, &
call assert( 483905106, position - prev_pos <= this%pack_size( comm ) )

end subroutine temperature_parameterization_mpi_unpack
end subroutine mpi_unpack


Expand Down
251 changes: 251 additions & 0 deletions src/cross_sections/util/temperature_parameterization_taylor_series.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
! Copyright (C) 2020-4 National Center for Atmospheric Research
! SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

module tuvx_temperature_parameterization_taylor_series
! Calculates cross-section elements using a Taylor-series temperature-based
! parameterization

! Including musica_config at the module level to avoid an ICE
! with Intel 2022.1 compiler
use musica_config, only : config_t
use musica_constants, only : dk => musica_dk
use tuvx_temperature_parameterization, &
only : temperature_parameterization_t
use tuvx_temperature_range, only : temperature_range_t

implicit none

public :: temperature_parameterization_taylor_series_t

!> Parameters for calculating cross section values based on
!! temperature using a Taylor series
!! Cross section elements are calculated as:
!! \f[
!! \sigma(T_{base}) * \[ 1.0 + A_1 * (T - T_{base}) + A_2 * (T - T_{base})^2 \]
!! \f]
!! where \f$\sigma\f$ is a reference cross section at temperature [K]
!! \f$T_{base}\f$, \f$A_1\f$ and \f$A_2\f$ are fitting parameters, and
!! \f$T\f$ is temperature [K].
type, extends(temperature_parameterization_t) :: temperature_parameterization_taylor_series_t
!> Wavelength grid for temperature parameterization [nm]
real(kind=dk), allocatable :: wavelengths_(:)
!> Base cross section element
real(kind=dk), allocatable :: sigma_(:)
!> Taylor-series coefficients A_n (n,wavelength)
real(kind=dk), allocatable :: A_(:,:)
!> Calculate the cross section value for a specific temperature and wavelength
procedure :: calculate
!> Returns the number of bytes required to pack the parameterization
!! onto a character buffer
procedure :: pack_size => pack_size
!> Packs the parameterization onto a character buffer
procedure :: mpi_pack => mpi_pack
!> Unpacks the parameterization from a character buffer
procedure :: mpi_unpack => mpi_unpack
end type temperature_parameterization_taylor_series_t

!> Constructor for temperature_parameterization_taylor_series_t
interface temperature_parameterization_taylor_series_t
module procedure :: constructor
end interface temperature_parameterization_taylor_series_t



!> Constructs a Taylor-series temperature-based parameterization
function constructor( config, wavelengths ) result ( this )

use musica_assert, only : assert_msg
use musica_config, only : config_t
use musica_iterator, only : iterator_t
use musica_string, only : string_t
use tuvx_grid, only : grid_t
use tuvx_netcdf, only : netcdf_t

type(temperature_parameterization_taylor_series_t) :: this
type(config_t), intent(inout) :: config
class(grid_t), intent(in) :: wavelengths

character(len=*), parameter :: my_name = &
"Taylor-series temperature parameterization constructor"
type(string_t) :: required_keys(2), optional_keys(3), file_path
type(config_t) :: temp_ranges, temp_range
class(iterator_t), pointer :: iter
type(netcdf_t) :: netcdf
integer :: i_range, i_param, n_param
logical :: found

required_keys(1) = "netcdf file"
required_keys(2) = "base temperature"
optional_keys(1) = "minimum wavelength"
optional_keys(2) = "maximum wavelength"
optional_keys(3) = "temperature ranges"
call assert_msg( 235183546, &
config%validate( required_keys, optional_keys ), &
"Bad configuration for temperature parameterization." )

! Load NetCDF file
call config%get( "netcdf file", file_path, my_name )
call netcdf%read_netcdf_file( file_path = file_path%to_char( ), &
variable_name = "temperature_" )
n_param = size( netcdf%parameters, dim = 2 ) - 1
call assert_msg( 164185428, n_param >= 1, "Taylor-series temperature "// &
"parameterization must have at least one set of "// &
"coefficients" )
allocate( this%A_( n_param, size( netcdf%wavelength ) ) )
this%wavelengths_ = netcdf%wavelength
this%sigma_ = netcdf%parameters(:,1)
do i_param = 1, n_param
this%A_( i_param, : ) = netcdf%parameters( : , i_param )
end do

call config%get( "base temperature", this%base_temperature_, my_name )
call config%get( "minimum wavelength", this%min_wavelength_, my_name, &
default = 0.0_dk )
call config%get( "maximum wavelength", this%max_wavelength_, my_name, &
default = huge( 1.0_dk ) )
this%min_wavelength_index_ = 1
do while( wavelengths%mid_( this%min_wavelength_index_ ) &
< this%max_wavelength_ &
.and. this%min_wavelength_index_ <= wavelengths%ncells_ )
this%min_wavelength_index_ = this%min_wavelength_index_ + 1
end do
call assert_msg( 504874740, &
wavelengths%mid_( this%min_wavelength_index_ ) &
>= this%min_wavelength_, &
"Minimum wavelength for Taylor-series temperature-based cross "//&
"section is outside the bounds of the wavelength grid." )
this%max_wavelength_index_ = wavelengths%ncells_
do while( wavelengths%mid_( this%max_wavelength_index_ ) &
> this%max_wavelength_ &
.and. this%max_wavelength_index_ >= 1 )
this%max_wavelength_index_ = this%max_wavelength_index_ - 1
end do
call assert_msg( 587703546, &
wavelengths%mid_( this%max_wavelength_index_ ) &
<= this%max_wavelength_, &
"Maximum wavelength for Taylor-series temperature-based cross "//&
"section is outside the bounds of the wavelength grid." )
call config%get( "temperature ranges", temp_ranges, my_name, &
found = found )
if( .not. found ) then
allocate( this%ranges_( 1 ) )
end if
allocate( this%ranges_( temp_ranges%number_of_children( ) ) )
iter => temp_ranges%get_iterator( )
i_range = 0
do while( iter%next( ) )
i_range = i_range + 1
call temp_ranges%get( iter, temp_range, my_name )
this%ranges_( i_range ) = temperature_range_t( temp_range )
end do
deallocate( iter )

end function constructor


subroutine calculate( this, temperature, wavelengths, cross_section )

use tuvx_profile, only : profile_t

class(temperature_parameterization_taylor_series_t), intent(in) :: this
real(kind=dk), intent(in) :: temperature
real(kind=dk), intent(in) :: wavelengths(:)
real(kind=dk), intent(inout) :: cross_section(:)

end subroutine calculate


!> Returns the size of a character buffer required to pack the
!! parameterization
integer function pack_size( this, comm )

use musica_mpi, only : musica_mpi_pack_size

!> Parameterization to be packed
class(temperature_parameterization_taylor_series_t), intent(in) :: this
!> MPI communicator
integer, intent(in) :: comm

pack_size = this%temperature_parameterization_t%pack_size( comm ) + &
musica_mpi_pack_size( this%wavelengths_, comm ) + &
musica_mpi_pack_size( this%sigma_, comm ) + &
musica_mpi_pack_size( this%A_, comm )
pack_size = 0

end function pack_size


!> Packs the parameterization onto a character buffer
subroutine mpi_pack( this, buffer, position, comm )

use musica_assert, only : assert
use musica_mpi, only : musica_mpi_pack

!> Parameterization to be packed
class(temperature_parameterization_taylor_series_t), intent(in) :: this
!> Memory buffer
character, intent(inout) :: buffer(:)
!> Current buffer position
integer, intent(inout) :: position
!> MPI communicator
integer, intent(in) :: comm

integer :: prev_pos

prev_pos = position
call this%temperature_parameterization_t%mpi_pack( buffer, position, comm )
call musica_mpi_pack( buffer, position, this%wavelengths_, comm )
call musica_mpi_pack( buffer, position, this%sigma_, comm )
call musica_mpi_pack( buffer, position, this%A_, comm )
call assert( 342538714, position - prev_pos <= this%pack_size( comm ) )

end subroutine mpi_pack


!> Unpacks a parameterization from a character buffer
subroutine mpi_unpack( this, buffer, position, comm )

use musica_assert, only : assert
use musica_mpi, only : musica_mpi_unpack

!> The parameterization to be unpacked
class(temperature_parameterization_taylor_series_t), intent(out) :: this
!> Memory buffer
character, intent(inout) :: buffer(:)
!> Current buffer position
integer, intent(inout) :: position
!> MPI communicator
integer, intent(in) :: comm

integer :: prev_pos

prev_pos = position
call this%temperature_parameterization_t%mpi_unpack( buffer, position, comm )
call musica_mpi_unpack( buffer, position, this%wavelengths_, comm )
call musica_mpi_unpack( buffer, position, this%sigma_, comm )
call musica_mpi_unpack( buffer, position, this%A_, comm )

end subroutine mpi_unpack


end module tuvx_temperature_parameterization_taylor_series

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