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Merge pull request #272 from Hallberg-NOAA/fix_dev_ncar_20240319
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Make the US argument to MOM_domains_init optional
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alperaltuntas authored Mar 20, 2024
2 parents 13fbeb7 + de59adf commit e75d1da
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Showing 5 changed files with 45 additions and 29 deletions.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/core/MOM.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2538,13 +2538,13 @@ subroutine initialize_MOM(Time, Time_init, param_file, dirs, CS, &
G_in => CS%G_in
call MOM_domains_init(G_in%domain, US, param_file, symmetric=symmetric, &
static_memory=.true., NIHALO=NIHALO_, NJHALO=NJHALO_, &
call MOM_domains_init(G_in%domain, param_file, symmetric=symmetric, &
static_memory=.true., NIHALO=NIHALO_, NJHALO=NJHALO_, &
call MOM_domains_init(G_in%domain, US, param_file, symmetric=symmetric, &
call MOM_domains_init(G_in%domain, param_file, symmetric=symmetric, &
domain_name="MOM_in", US=US)

! Copy input grid (G_in) domain to active grid G
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54 changes: 35 additions & 19 deletions src/framework/MOM_domains.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,12 +63,11 @@ module MOM_domains
!> MOM_domains_init initializes a MOM_domain_type variable, based on the information
!! read in from a param_file_type, and optionally returns data describing various
!! properties of the domain type.
subroutine MOM_domains_init(MOM_dom, US, param_file, symmetric, static_memory, &
subroutine MOM_domains_init(MOM_dom, param_file, symmetric, static_memory, &
min_halo, domain_name, include_name, param_suffix)
min_halo, domain_name, include_name, param_suffix, US)
type(MOM_domain_type), pointer :: MOM_dom !< A pointer to the MOM_domain_type
!! being defined here.
type(unit_scale_type), pointer :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
type(param_file_type), intent(in) :: param_file !< A structure to parse for
!! run-time parameters
logical, optional, intent(in) :: symmetric !< If present, this specifies
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,6 +98,7 @@ subroutine MOM_domains_init(MOM_dom, US, param_file, symmetric, static_memory, &
!! "MOM_memory.h" if missing.
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: param_suffix !< A suffix to apply to
!! layout-specific parameters.
type(unit_scale_type), optional, pointer :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type

! Local variables
integer, dimension(2) :: layout ! The number of logical processors in the i- and j- directions
Expand All @@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ subroutine MOM_domains_init(MOM_dom, US, param_file, symmetric, static_memory, &
logical :: auto_mask_table ! Runtime flag that turns on automatic mask table generator
integer :: auto_io_layout_fac ! Used to compute IO layout when auto_mask_table is True.
logical :: mask_table_exists ! True if there is a mask table file
logical :: is_MOM_domain ! True if this domain is being set for MOM, and not another component like SIS2.
character(len=128) :: inputdir ! The directory in which to find the diag table
character(len=200) :: mask_table ! The file name and later the full path to the diag table
character(len=64) :: inc_nm ! The name of the memory include file
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,7 +289,16 @@ subroutine MOM_domains_init(MOM_dom, US, param_file, symmetric, static_memory, &
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "INPUTDIR", inputdir, do_not_log=.true., default=".")
inputdir = slasher(inputdir)

call get_param(param_file, mdl, "TOPO_CONFIG", topo_config, do_not_log=.true., fail_if_missing=.true.)
is_MOM_domain = .true.
if (present(domain_name)) then
is_MOM_domain = (index(domain_name, "MOM") > 1)

if (is_MOM_domain) then
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "TOPO_CONFIG", topo_config, do_not_log=.true., fail_if_missing=.true.)
else ! SIS2 has a default value for TOPO_CONFIG.
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "TOPO_CONFIG", topo_config, default="file", do_not_log=.true.)

auto_mask_table = .false.
if (.not. present(param_suffix) .and. .not. is_static .and. trim(topo_config) == 'file') then
Expand All @@ -314,7 +324,7 @@ subroutine MOM_domains_init(MOM_dom, US, param_file, symmetric, static_memory, &
call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_auto_mask)
if (is_root_PE()) then
call gen_auto_mask_table(n_global, reentrant, tripolar_N, PEs_used, param_file, inputdir, &
auto_mask_table_fname, US, auto_layout)
auto_mask_table_fname, auto_layout, US)
call broadcast(auto_layout, length=2)
call cpu_clock_end(id_clock_auto_mask)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -462,17 +472,18 @@ subroutine MOM_define_layout(n_global, ndivs, layout)
end subroutine MOM_define_layout

!> Given a desired number of active npes, generate a layout and mask_table
subroutine gen_auto_mask_table(n_global, reentrant, tripolar_N, npes, param_file, inputdir, filename, US, layout)
subroutine gen_auto_mask_table(n_global, reentrant, tripolar_N, npes, param_file, inputdir, filename, layout, US)
integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: n_global !< The total number of gridpoints in 2 directions
logical, dimension(2), intent(in) :: reentrant !< True if the x- and y- directions are periodic.
logical :: tripolar_N !< A flag indicating whether there is n. tripolar connectivity
logical, intent(in) :: tripolar_N !< A flag indicating whether there is n. tripolar connectivity
integer, intent(in) :: npes !< The desired number of active PEs.
type(param_file_type), intent(in) :: param_file !< A structure to parse for run-time parameters
character(len=128), intent(in) :: inputdir !< INPUTDIR parameter
character(len=128), intent(in) :: inputdir !< INPUTDIR parameter
character(len=:), allocatable, intent(in) :: filename !< Mask table file path (to be auto-generated.)
type(unit_scale_type), pointer :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
integer, dimension(2), intent(out) :: layout !< The generated layout of PEs (incl. masked blocks)
type(unit_scale_type), optional, pointer :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type

! Local variables
real, dimension(n_global(1), n_global(2)) :: D ! Bathymetric depth (to be read in from TOPO_FILE) [Z ~> m]
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mask ! Cell masks (based on D and MINIMUM_DEPTH)
character(len=200) :: topo_filepath, topo_file ! Strings for file/path
Expand All @@ -483,18 +494,23 @@ subroutine gen_auto_mask_table(n_global, reentrant, tripolar_N, npes, param_file
real :: Dmask ! The depth for masking in the same units as D [Z ~> m]
real :: min_depth ! The minimum ocean depth in the same units as D [Z ~> m]
real :: mask_depth ! The depth shallower than which to mask a point as land. [Z ~> m]
real :: glob_ocn_frac ! ratio of ocean points to total number of points
real :: r_p ! aspect ratio for division count p.
real :: glob_ocn_frac ! ratio of ocean points to total number of points [nondim]
real :: r_p ! aspect ratio for division count p. [nondim]
real :: m_to_Z ! A conversion factor from m to height units [Z m-1 ~> 1]
integer :: nx, ny ! global domain sizes
integer, parameter :: ibuf=2, jbuf=2
real, parameter :: r_extreme = 4.0 ! aspect ratio limit (>1) for a layout to be considered.
real, parameter :: r_extreme = 4.0 ! aspect ratio limit (>1) for a layout to be considered [nondim]
integer :: num_masked_blocks
integer, allocatable :: mask_table(:,:)

m_to_Z = 1.0 ; if (present(US)) m_to_Z = US%m_to_Z

! Read in params necessary for auto-masking
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "MINIMUM_DEPTH", min_depth, do_not_log=.true., units="m", default=0.0)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "MASKING_DEPTH", mask_depth, do_not_log=.true., units="m", default=-9999.0)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "TOPO_CONFIG", topo_config, do_not_log=.true., fail_if_missing=.true.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "MINIMUM_DEPTH", min_depth, &
units="m", default=0.0, scale=m_to_Z, do_not_log=.true.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "MASKING_DEPTH", mask_depth, &
units="m", default=-9999.0, scale=m_to_Z, do_not_log=.true.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "TOPO_CONFIG", topo_config, default="file", do_not_log=.true.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "TOPO_FILE", topo_file, do_not_log=.true., default="")
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "TOPO_VARNAME", topo_varname, do_not_log=.true., default="depth")
topo_filepath = trim(inputdir)//trim(topo_file)
Expand All @@ -514,15 +530,15 @@ subroutine gen_auto_mask_table(n_global, reentrant, tripolar_N, npes, param_file
ny = n_global(2)

! Read in bathymetric depth.
D(:,:) = -9.0e30 * US%m_to_Z ! Initializing to a very large negative depth (tall mountains) everywhere.
D(:,:) = -9.0e30 * m_to_Z ! Initializing to a very large negative depth (tall mountains) everywhere.
call read_field(topo_filepath, trim(topo_varname), D, start=(/1, 1/), nread=n_global, no_domain=.true., &

allocate(mask(nx+2*ibuf, ny+2*jbuf), source=0)

! Determine cell masks
Dmask = mask_depth
if (mask_depth == -9999.0) Dmask = min_depth
if (mask_depth == -9999.0*m_to_Z) Dmask = min_depth
do i=1,nx ; do j=1,ny
if (D(i,j) <= Dmask) then
mask(i+ibuf,j+jbuf) = 0
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/ice_shelf/MOM_ice_shelf.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1322,8 +1322,8 @@ subroutine initialize_ice_shelf(param_file, ocn_grid, Time, CS, diag, Time_init,
! Set up the ice-shelf domain and grid
call MOM_domains_init(CS%Grid%domain, CS%US, param_file, min_halo=wd_halos, symmetric=GRID_SYM_,&
call MOM_domains_init(CS%Grid%domain, param_file, min_halo=wd_halos, symmetric=GRID_SYM_,&
domain_name='MOM_Ice_Shelf_in', US=CS%US)
!call hor_index_init(CS%Grid%Domain, CS%Grid%HI, param_file, &
! local_indexing=.not.global_indexing)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ocean_data_assim/MOM_oda_driver.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ subroutine init_oda(Time, G, GV, US, diag_CS, CS)
CS%G => G
! params NIHALO_ODA, NJHALO_ODA set the DA halo size
call MOM_domains_init(CS%Grid%Domain,CS%US,PF,param_suffix='_ODA')
call MOM_domains_init(CS%Grid%Domain, PF, param_suffix='_ODA', US=CS%US)
call hor_index_init(CS%Grid%Domain, HI, PF)
call verticalGridInit( PF, CS%GV, CS%US )
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_hor_visc.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, G, GV, US,
GME_effic_h, & ! The filtered efficiency of the GME terms at h points [nondim]
m_leithy, & ! Kh=m_leithy*Ah in Leith+E parameterization [L-2 ~> m-2]
Ah_sq, & ! The square of the biharmonic viscosity [L8 T-2 ~> m8 s-2]
htot ! The total thickness of all layers [Z ~> m]
htot ! The total thickness of all layers [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real :: Del2vort_h ! Laplacian of vorticity at h-points [L-2 T-1 ~> m-2 s-1]
real :: grad_vel_mag_bt_h ! Magnitude of the barotropic velocity gradient tensor squared at h-points [T-2 ~> s-2]
real :: boundary_mask_h ! A mask that zeroes out cells with at least one land edge [nondim]
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