Python scripts to extract the video signals between the start and end points of the recording session using the Trodes DIO signals corresponding to the LED on and off blinking states, along with a method to check video alignment.
- pytesseract - Download Tesseract OCR , complete the setup and take note of the complete path to tesseract.exe in Tesseract-OCR folder.
- openCV
- pandas, numpy reads the .dat files extracted from the Trodes recording (.rec) files and creates a dictionary with data and session information. contains the following functions:
- Digit recognition from a frame (get_digits)
- Find the difference between the gpu-level and python-level frame indices to calculate the shift required to match the timestamps with the appropriate frame (index_difference)
- Get LED states from the frame (get_led_states)
- Get video timestamps with corresponding LED states from each frame during the same time interval of Trodes recording. (video_metadata)
- Get the closest timestamp to the query timestamp from a list of timestamps. (closest_ts)
- Get the instances when there is a match and mismatch between the LED states in video and DIO signals at the closest timestamp. (find_mismatch)
- Get the best lags for each segment in the dataframe. (get_best_lags)
- Calculate cross correlation. (crosscorr)
- Caculate and visualize Windowed Time Lagged Cross Correlation (WTLCC) (WTLCC)
- Get final Timestamps and frames info corresponding to DIO signal. (get_sync_video_df)
- Get dataframe with timestamps of when the LED states changed. (get_state_change_ts) computes the first and last timestamps from the Trodes DIO signals and utilizes the video_sync functions to obtain the video timestamps and states along with the match and mismatch. Run this script only after replacing the .dat file path (dio_fname , line 17), .mp4 video (video_loc, line 37) file path in and tesseract.exe file path (pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd , line 20) in utilizes functions from to calculate and apply lags to individual cameras. A combined dataframe of all eyes info is created and used as input to stitch the frames together as a single video.