some stuff for creating/updating/exporting a VirtualBox Appliance for Mumble-Ruby-Pluginbot.
Clone the VM "Mumble-Ruby-Pluginbot" to "Mumble-Ruby-Pluginbot Terminal".
Start the VM, login as botmaster and run:
Shutdown VM.
Remove all snapshots.
Open a Terminal on your PC and do:
VBoxManage modifymedium --compact /path/to/disk1.vdi
VBoxManage modifymedium --compact /path/to/disk2.vdi
If the above commands do not work because of an error use the UUID of the discs instead that is shown in the error message.
export VAVERSION="0.10.5-Terminal"
VBoxManage export "Mumble-Ruby-Pluginbot" \
--output "$HOME/Mumble-Ruby-Pluginbot-${VAVERSION}.ova" --vsys 0 --ovf20 \
--product "Virtualbox appliance for Mumble-Ruby-Pluginbot" \
--producturl "" \
--vendor Natenom --vendorurl "" --version "${VAVERSION}"
Create a snapshot for the current version for the VM.
Clone the VM "Mumble-Ruby-Pluginbot" to "Mumble-Ruby-Pluginbot GUI".
Start the VM, login as botmaster and run:
sudo dpkg --configure -a
Reboot VM and login on the desktop, do the first steps with GMPC.
Switch to VT2 and run:
Shutdown VM.
Remove all snapshots.
Open a terminal on your PC and do:
VBoxManage modifymedium --compact /path/to_cloned/disk1.vdi
VBoxManage modifymedium --compact /path/to_cloned/disk2.vdi
If the above commands do not work because of an error use the UUID of the discs instead that is shown in the error message.
export VAVERSION="0.10.5-GUI"
VBoxManage export "Mumble-Ruby-Pluginbot GUI" \
--output "$HOME/Mumble-Ruby-Pluginbot-${VAVERSION}.ova" --vsys 0 --ovf20 \
--product "Virtualbox appliance for Mumble-Ruby-Pluginbot" \
--producturl "" \
--vendor Natenom --vendorurl "" --version "${VAVERSION}"
Remove the cloned VM.