Releases: MuonColliderSoft/MuonCutil
Releases · MuonColliderSoft/MuonCutil
Release v02-08-MC
Released on AlmaLinux 9
System software
Geant4 11.1.0-1
Boost 1.75.0-8
clhep 2.4.6-3
ROOT 6.28.02
GSL 2.6-7
eigen3 3.4.0-1
xerces-c 3.2.3-5
HepMC3 3.2.5-7
Compiled software
FastJet 3.4.0
FastJetcontrib 1.050
CED 01-09-04
New packages
MuonCVXDDigitiser --> v00-01
Packages changes wrt. to v02-07-MC
ACTSTracking → v1.1.0
DDMarlinPandora → v00-14-MC
iLCInstall → v02-05-MC
LCIO → v02-17-MC
lcgeo → v00-18-01-MC
detector_simulation → Moved to lgceo package
LCTuple → v01-15-MC
MarlinTrkprocessor → v02-15-MC
Overlay → v00-24-MC
Packages which have a new tag-release in the official repository
Marlin → v01-19
MarlinReco → v01-33-01
MarlinUtil → v01-17
DD4hep → v01-25-01 & MarlinDD4hep → v00-06-02
PandoraPFANew → v04-02-00
PandoraSDK: v03-04-01
PandoraMonitoring: v03-05-00
LArContent: v04_02_00
LCContent: v03-01-06
ExampleContent: v03-01-00
LCFIPlus → v00-10-01
MarlinTrk → v02-09-01
DDKalTest → v01-07
MarlinKinfit → v00-06-01 & MarlinKinfitProcessors → v00-05
MarlinFastJet → v00-05-03
CEDViewer → v01-19-01
GEAR → v01-09-01
Removed Packages
detector_simulation (moved to lcgeo)
Release v02-05 for MuonCollider
External software
- Root 6.22.02-4 (Custom building)
Packages changes wrt. to v02-04-MC
- LCTuple → v01-13-MC
- Add information for tracker
- Added track hits to the tracks branches
- Added the number of track hits
- Add information for tracker
- lcgeo → v00-16-08-MC
- Yoke05_Barrel driver
- Removed slices DetElement construction
- Moved layer DetElement construction to external loop: fixes the DetElement hierarchy.
- This fixes the access to the DetElement given a CellID in our reconstruction. Related issue: iLCSoft/ILDConfig#88
- Add INSTALL_COMPACT_FILES option (default: OFF) to copy compact files to install area
- python3 compatibility
- For muoncollider:
- Fixed double thickness in the negative side of TrackerEndcapSupport
- Recovered the double thickness bug in TrackerEndcapSupport_o1_v01 for backward compatibility
- Yoke05_Barrel driver
- detector-simulation → v01-01-MC
- Added v2 of the frozen geometry with fixed endcap tracker support asymmetry
- DDMarlinPandora → v00-12-MC
- Added new processor (DDCaloDigi_BIB) for BIB subtraction in calorimeter cells, compatible with 1.5TeV BIB
Release v02-02 for MuonCollider
External software:
- ROOT_version = "6.22.02"
- Boost_version = "1.69.0"
Official ILCSoft release v02-02 plus:
- MarlinTrkProcessors → v02-11-MC
- Added time smearing to the DDPlanarDigiProcessor
- Changed histogram range suitable for picosecond-level time resolution
- Introduced a time window for digitized hits in the DDPlanarDigiProcessor
- Made TOF compensation persistent in the DDPlanarDigiProcessor to match the behaviour in DDCaloDigi
- lcgeo → v00-16-06-MC
- Added a modified version of the Generic Cal Endcap without cutout
- Added support of Z segmentation to ZPlanarTracker class
- Revoked ZPlanarTracker. Implemented Z segmentation in a separate plugin: ZSegmentedPlanarTracker
- ConformalTracking → v01-10-MC
- Add the possibility to do a regional tracking (define a theta range)
- LCTuple → v01-12-02-MC
- Add branch for hit times
- Overlay → v00-22-02-MC
- Added a flag disabling the merging of MCParticles
- OverlayTiming: Skipping merging of collections that have no integration times configured
- OverlayTimingGeneric: Added option to make integration times symmetric
- Optimized merging for the BIB from Muon Collider
- Added support for lower/upper integration time boundaries in OverlayTimingGeneric
- detector-simulation
- Added mod2 version of the CLIC geometry with reduced gap between ECAL Endcaps and nozzles
- Added mod3 geometry with the vertex detector dimnesions similar to the MAP geometry
- Added CLIC_o3_v14_mod4 geometry with VTXB segmented along Z
- Adjusted the class of the Z-segmented VXD barrel in CLIC_o3_v14_mod4
- Added a GDML version of the CLIC_o3_v14_mod4 geometry: nozzles + yoke
First release
v02-01-pre Add configuration file for the installation process