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sestini88 authored Dec 16, 2020
1 parent 2191970 commit 8d97c79
Showing 1 changed file with 304 additions and 0 deletions.
304 changes: 304 additions & 0 deletions include/DDCaloDigi_BIB.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@

#include "marlin/Processor.h"
#include <IMPL/CalorimeterHitImpl.h>
#include <IMPL/LCFlagImpl.h>
#include "CalorimeterHitType.h"
#include "lcio.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "DDScintillatorPpdDigi.h"
#include "CLHEP/Random/MTwistEngine.h"

using namespace lcio ;
using namespace marlin ;

const int MAX_LAYERS = 200;
const int MAX_STAVES = 16;

/** === DDCaloDigi_BIB Processor === <br>
* Simple calorimeter digitizer Processor. <br>
* Ported from ILDCaloDigi to use DD4hep
* Takes SimCalorimeterHit Collections and <br>
* produces CalorimeterHit Collections. <br>
* Simulated energy depositions in active <br>
* layers of calorimeters are <br>
* converted into physical energy. This is done <br>
* taking into account sampling fractions of <br>
* ECAL and HCAL. <br>
* User has to specify ECAL and HCAL SimCalorimeterHit <br>
* collections with processor parameters <br>
* HCALCollections and ECALCollections. <br>
* The names of the output CalorimeterHit Collections <br>
* are specified with processor parameters <br>
* ECALOutputCollection and HCALOutputCollection. <br>
* Conversion factors for ECAL and HCAL <br>
* are specified via processor parameters <br>
* CalibrECAL and CalibrHCAL. <br>
* It should be noted that ECAL and HCAL may consist <br>
* of several sections with different sampling fractions. <br>
* To handle this situation, calibration coefficients for <br>
* ECAL and HCAL are passed as arrays of floats with each element <br>
* in this array corresponding to certain section with <br>
* a given sampling fraction. <br>
* List of layer numbers terminating each section are given through <br>
* processor parameters ECALLayers and HCALLayers <br>
* There is an option to perform digitization of <br>
* both ECAL and HCAL in a digital mode. <br>
* Digital mode is activated by <br>
* setting processor parameters <br>
* IfDigitalEcal / IfDigitalHcal to 1. <br>
* In this case CalibrECAL / CalibrHCAL will <br>
* convert the number of hits into physical energy. <br>
* Thresholds on hit energies in ECAL and HCAL <br>
* are set with processor parameters <br>
* ECALThreshold and HCALThreshold. <br>
* Relations between CalorimeterHits and SimCalorimeterHits <br>
* are held in the corresponding relation collection. <br>
* The name of this relation collection is specified <br>
* via processor parameter RelationOutputCollection. <br>
* <h4>Input collections and prerequisites</h4>
* SimCalorimeterHit collections <br>
* <h4>Output</h4>
* CalorimeterHit collections for ECal and HCal. <br>
* Collection of relations <br>
* between CalorimeterHits and SimCalorimeterHits. <br>
* For ECal Calorimeter hits the variable type is set to 0, <br>
* whereas for HCal Calorimeter hits the type is set to 1 <br>
* @author A. Raspereza (DESY) <br>
* @author M. Thomson (DESY) <br>
* @version $Id$ <br>
class DDCaloDigi_BIB : public Processor {


virtual Processor* newProcessor() { return new DDCaloDigi_BIB ; }

DDCaloDigi_BIB() ;
DDCaloDigi_BIB(const DDCaloDigi_BIB&) = delete;
DDCaloDigi_BIB& operator=(const DDCaloDigi_BIB&) = delete;

virtual void init() ;

virtual void processRunHeader( LCRunHeader* run ) ;

virtual void processEvent( LCEvent * evt ) ;

virtual void check( LCEvent * evt ) ;

virtual void end() ;

virtual void fillECALGaps() ;

float digitalHcalCalibCoeff(CHT::Layout,float energy );

float analogueHcalCalibCoeff(CHT::Layout, int layer );

float digitalEcalCalibCoeff(int layer );

float analogueEcalCalibCoeff(int layer );


float ecalEnergyDigi(float energy, int id0, int id1);
float ahcalEnergyDigi(float energy, int id0, int id1);

float siliconDigi(float energy);
float scintillatorDigi(float energy, bool isEcal);
LCCollection* combineVirtualStripCells(LCCollection* col, bool isBarrel, int orientation );

int getNumberOfVirtualCells();
std::vector < std::pair <int, int> > & getLayerConfig();
void checkConsistency(std::string colName, int layer);
std::pair < int, int > getLayerProperties( std::string colName, int layer );
int getStripOrientationFromColName( std::string colName );

int _nRun = 0;
int _nEvt = 0;

LCFlagImpl _flag{};

std::vector<std::string> _ecalCollections{};
std::vector<std::string> _hcalCollections{};
std::vector<std::string> _outputEcalCollections{};
std::vector<std::string> _outputHcalCollections{};

std::string _outputRelCollection = "";

float _thresholdEcal = 5.0e-5;
std::string _unitThresholdEcal = "GeV";
std::vector<float> _thresholdHcal{};
std::string _unitThresholdHcal = "GeV";

int _digitalEcal = 0;
int _mapsEcalCorrection = 0;
int _digitalHcal = 0;

//bool _ECAL_stripHits;

std::vector<float> _calibrCoeffEcal{};
std::vector<float> _calibrCoeffHcalBarrel{};
std::vector<float> _calibrCoeffHcalEndCap{};
std::vector<float> _calibrCoeffHcalOther{};

std::vector<int> _ecalLayers{};
std::vector<int> _hcalLayers{};

int _ecalGapCorrection = 1;
float _ecalGapCorrectionFactor = 1;
float _ecalModuleGapCorrectionFactor = 0.5;
float _ecalEndcapCorrectionFactor = 1.025;
float _hcalEndcapCorrectionFactor = 1.025;
int _hcalGapCorrection = 1;
float _hcalModuleGapCorrectionFactor = 0.5;

std::vector<CalorimeterHitImpl*> _calHitsByStaveLayer[MAX_STAVES][MAX_LAYERS];
std::vector<int> _calHitsByStaveLayerModule[MAX_STAVES][MAX_LAYERS];

float _zOfEcalEndcap = 0.0;
float _barrelPixelSizeT[MAX_LAYERS];
float _barrelPixelSizeZ[MAX_LAYERS];
float _endcapPixelSizeX[MAX_LAYERS];
float _endcapPixelSizeY[MAX_LAYERS];
float _barrelStaveDir[MAX_STAVES][2];

int _histograms = 0;

// timing
int _useEcalTiming = 0;
int _ecalCorrectTimesForPropagation = 0;
float _ecalTimeWindowMin = -10.0;
float _ecalBarrelTimeWindowMax = 100.0;
float _ecalEndcapTimeWindowMax = 100.0;
float _ecalDeltaTimeHitResolution = 10.0;
float _ecalTimeResolution = 10.0;
bool _ecalSimpleTimingCut = true;

int _useHcalTiming = 1;
int _hcalCorrectTimesForPropagation = 0;
float _hcalTimeWindowMin = -10.0;
float _hcalBarrelTimeWindowMax = 100.0;
float _hcalEndcapTimeWindowMax = 100.0;
float _hcalDeltaTimeHitResolution = 10.0;
float _hcalTimeResolution = 10.0;
bool _hcalSimpleTimingCut = true;

std::unique_ptr<DDScintillatorPpdDigi> _scEcalDigi{};
std::unique_ptr<DDScintillatorPpdDigi> _scHcalDigi{};

// parameters for extra ECAL digitization effects
float _calibEcalMip = 1.0e-4; // MIP calibration factor
int _applyEcalDigi = 0; // which realistic calib to apply
float _ecal_PPD_pe_per_mip = 7; // # photoelectrons/MIP for MPPC
int _ecal_PPD_n_pixels = 10000; // # pixels in MPPC
float _ehEnergy = 3.6; // energy to create e-h pair in silicon
float _ecal_misCalibNpix = 0.05; // miscalibration of # MPPC pixels

float _misCalibEcal_uncorrel = 0.0; // general ECAL miscalibration (uncorrelated between channels)
bool _misCalibEcal_uncorrel_keep = false;// if true, use the same ECAL cell miscalibs in each event (requires more memory)
float _misCalibEcal_correl = 0.0; // general ECAL miscalibration (100% uncorrelated between channels)

float _deadCellFractionEcal = 0.0; // fraction of random dead channels
bool _deadCellEcal_keep = false; // keep same cells dead between events?

float _strip_abs_length = 1000000; // absorption length along strip for non-uniformity modeling
float _ecal_pixSpread = 0.05; // relative spread of MPPC pixel signal
float _ecal_elec_noise = 0; // electronics noise (as fraction of MIP)
float _ecalMaxDynMip = 2500; // electronics dynamic range (in terms of MIPs)
int _ecalStrip_default_nVirt = 9; // # virtual cells used in Mokka simulation of strips (if available, this is taken from gear file)
std::string _ecal_deafult_layer_config ="000000000000000";// ECAL layer configuration (if available, this is taken from gear file)

// parameters for extra AHCAL digitization effects
float _calibHcalMip = 1.0e-4; // MIP calibration factor
int _applyHcalDigi = 0; // which realistic calib to apply
float _hcal_PPD_pe_per_mip = 10; // # photoelectrons/MIP for MPPC
int _hcal_PPD_n_pixels= 400; // # pixels in MPPC
float _hcal_misCalibNpix = 0.05; // miscalibration of # MPPC pixels

float _misCalibHcal_uncorrel = 0.0; // general ECAL miscalibration (uncorrelated between channels)
bool _misCalibHcal_uncorrel_keep = false; // if true, use the same AHCAL cell miscalibs in each event (requires more memory)
float _misCalibHcal_correl = 0.0; // general ECAL miscalibration (100% uncorrelated between channels)

float _deadCellFractionHcal = 0.0; // fraction of random dead channels
bool _deadCellHcal_keep = false; // keep same cells dead between events?
float _hcal_pixSpread = 0.0; // relative spread of MPPC pixel signal
float _hcal_elec_noise = 0.0; // electronics noise (as fraction of MIP)
float _hcalMaxDynMip = 200; // electronics dynamic range (in terms of MIPs)

// internal variables
std::vector < std::pair <int, int> > _layerTypes {};
int _strip_virt_cells = 999;
int _countWarnings = 0;
std::string _ecalLayout = "";

float _event_correl_miscalib_ecal = 0.0;
float _event_correl_miscalib_hcal = 0.0;

CLHEP::MTwistEngine *_randomEngineDeadCellEcal = NULL;
CLHEP::MTwistEngine *_randomEngineDeadCellHcal = NULL;

std::map < std::pair <int, int> , float > _ECAL_cell_miscalibs{};
std::map < std::pair <int, int> , bool > _ECAL_cell_dead{};
std::map < std::pair <int, int> , float > _HCAL_cell_miscalibs{};
std::map < std::pair <int, int> , bool > _HCAL_cell_dead{};

enum {

TH1F* fEcal = NULL;
TH1F* fHcal = NULL;
TH1F* fEcalC = NULL;
TH1F* fHcalC = NULL;
TH1F* fEcalC1 = NULL;
TH1F* fHcalC1 = NULL;
TH1F* fEcalC2 = NULL;
TH1F* fHcalC2 = NULL;
TH2F* fHcalCvsE = NULL;
TH2F* fHcalLayer1 = NULL;
TH2F* fHcalLayer11 = NULL;
TH2F* fHcalLayer21 = NULL;
TH2F* fHcalLayer31 = NULL;
TH2F* fHcalLayer41 = NULL;
TH2F* fHcalLayer51 = NULL;
TH2F* fHcalLayer61 = NULL;
TH2F* fHcalLayer71 = NULL;
TH1F* fHcalRLayer1 = NULL;
TH1F* fHcalRLayer11 = NULL;
TH1F* fHcalRLayer21 = NULL;
TH1F* fHcalRLayer31 = NULL;
TH1F* fHcalRLayer41 = NULL;
TH1F* fHcalRLayer51 = NULL;
TH1F* fHcalRLayer61 = NULL;
TH1F* fHcalRLayer71 = NULL;
TH1F* fHcalRLayerNorm = NULL;

TH1F* fEcalRLayerNorm = NULL;
TH2F* fEcalLayer1 = NULL;
TH2F* fEcalLayer11 = NULL;
TH2F* fEcalLayer21 = NULL;
TH1F* fEcalRLayer1 = NULL;
TH1F* fEcalRLayer11 = NULL;
TH1F* fEcalRLayer21 = NULL;

} ;


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